4 - happy birthday

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Friday December 24th 1999

louis: 8

harry: 7


"harry! harry! harry! hazza!"

louis shook the boys shoulders and whisper-yelled into harry's ear. he knows he doesn't like loud noises so he doesn't want to be too loud. the younger booy stirred awake and gently opened his eyes to see two beautiful blue ones starring down at him.


he said in his barely awake state.

"wake up. it's my birthday"

harry's eyes shoot open and he looks at louis.


harry engulfs louis in a hug. they sit hugging for a minute before louis pulls away and takes harry's hand to drag him downstairs. harry pulls his hand away and stops.


"your present is in my bag. I'll meet you down there"

louis nods at harry and makes his way downstairs while harry turns around and rummages in his bag for louis' birthday present. he pulls out the small wrapped gift and white envelope. he runs downstairs to see jay holding lottie while mark sits on the floor with louis by the Christmas tree.

harry sits down next to louis and places the gift in front of him.

"open mine last"

louis opens all his gifts from his parents and his friends. he got some new toys, a bedding set and some new clothes from his parents while niall, liam and zayn got him a card and small toys each. last was harry's present. he opened the card first and saw a homemade piece of thin card folded with a picture of them. louis smiled and read the contents before hugging harry.

"thank you hazza. I love it"

"it's okay. now your present"

harry seemed to be more excited than louis. louis ripped through the poorly wrapped box. he gave the paper to his dad and opened the box to reveal a blue and green bracelet.

"I made it myself. well gemma helped a little"

louis just stared at the small bracelet with his mouth open.

"boobear? do you like it?"

harry didn't get a response, he just got a huge hug and peppered kisses all over his head. harry giggled at the feeling of his best friend kissing everywhere.


louis shouted as he kissed his best friend. he released harry and took the bracelet out it's box to put it on. he turned to his dad and had him tie the material around his right wrist before turning back to harry to show him.

harry pushed his right arm towards louis and showed him the idetical one he had there too.

"I made one for me too. now we both have one"

the boys smiled at each other for a moment before gathering the new toys louis got and playing with them all day. they even had some time with lottie and they gently showed her how to push a train around before she got tired and jay set her down for a nap.

harry spent the whole day at louis' before the 5 of them packed up their things and went over to anne's. this has become an annual thing. ever since louis and harry would beg to stay at each other's house for louis' birthday and Christmas. they now all sleep at the one house on Christmas Eve and spend Christmas together, like one big family.

louis and harry fell asleep together on a blow up bed in the lounge in front of the fire, and woke up to presents under the tree left by Santa.

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