8 - fucks sake

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-continued from last chapter-


**harry's POV**


how did I manage that? I've been crushing on louis since I was 12 and I have never slipped up like that before. oh god what have I done.

the way he stiffened up when I said it tells me he heard me say it. shit how do I fix this? do I just carry on and act like it never happened? wait for him to say som-


oh god. he definitely heard me and he's gonna dwell on it.

"what did you say?"

shit what have I done?

"uhh w-when?"

god harry what are you doing??

"you said boyf- then cut yourself off. what did you say?"

he steps out of my grasp and turns to face me. I let my arms fall from his waist and watch his every movement. I don't know what to do in this situation. I am stumped.

"I uhh a-accidentally said b-boyfriend, no biggie"

wow great work styles, it's stutter central apparently. he rolls his eyes at me and turns around to face the pot on the stove.

"how do you accidentally call me your boyfriend haz? what did you mean?"

oh god he is going to get it out of me. I can't handle these types of situations and he knows me back to front, he can read me like an open book. he will be able to tell if I'm lie even if he's not looking at me.

I'm well and truly fucked.

"uhm I- well uhh I d-don't really know b-but it just k-kinda happened"

oh god I'm terrible at this. he already knows I'm lying I can tell. he turns to face me with a calm expression on his face. he breathes in and out before stepping closer to me.

"don't lie to me haz. why did you call me that. I won't get mad I promise, and I never break my promises, especially with you"

I nod my head and start fiddling with the blue and green bracelet that's on my wrist. I can't believe its almost been 9 years and this bracelet is still on my wrist. it's at breaking point and it barely fits but I'm not taking it off until it falls off.

okay it's time. it's been 3 years, I need to tell him.

I inhale and exhale before putting my hand on louis' bracelet that's on his right wrist.

"this might fuck this all up, but you need to know..."

"what haz?"

I look up to him and see he is only inches away from my face. I feel his left arm travel up my arm, ghosting over my skin and landing on my shoulder.

here goes.

"I really like you louis, like I've had a crush on you since I was twelve...please don't hate me"

he lets out a heavy breath and takes me into his arms. I'm shocked, really shocked. I hesitate to hug him back.

"hug me harry, please"

that's all I need. I wrap my arms around his torso and pull him as close to me as possible. he kisses my neck and pulls back to look into my eyes and I get to look at the perfect blue ones I've loved since I was born.

"I like you too haz, like really like you. I figured it out when I was 12 and I've been trying to keep it under wraps ever since"

I laugh.

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