5 - what's happening

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Friday 23rd July 2004

louis and harry: 12


lottie: turning 5

félicité: turning 4

daisy and phoebe: 4 months old


**harry's POV**

louis and I just finsihed our first year of secondary school. to say we were nervous was an understatement. we had to get the bus in to school and we didn't know where any of the rooms were. none of the other years really like the year 7's and I don't blame them. some of the other people from the neighbouring schools were very rude and annoying.

louis, niall, zayn, liam and I stayed out of the way as much as possible. it went pretty well and we know where everything is now. but I am thankful it's over.

we're on the bus home and I'm sat next to louis as I do everyday. louis and I are going to stay in the large field behind our houses for the next few days. we are bringing niall, liam and zayn with but tonight it's just us.

the bus drops us off at our stop which is a 2 minute walk from our houses. we make it to our houses and part ways so we can get our things and meet in the field.


2 hours later and everything is set up. we are within walking distance to our houses so if we need anything we can just go get it. we have a flattened area away from the tent for a small fire to make s'mores.

louis disappears for around 20 minutes at one point but I didn't think much of it. I just watched another episode of friends while waiting for him. when he came back he was acting a little off with me for a few hours but eventually he went back to normal. I chose not to draw attention to it.

louis and I spent the evening watching random episodes of friends on my laptop and soon enoough the sun has set and the stars are out. we place our pillows by the entrance of the tent and lay on our backs so we can see the shapes the stars make.

"look at that one haz. it looks like a rabbit"

"oh yeah! wow this is amazing"

"there! that one, it looks like you but with curly hair"

I laugh as louis puts his hand in my straight hair. I wish I had curly hair. he massages my head while still looking up at the stars. I turn to him and look at his side profile. louis is a very attractive person, I must admit. he pulls at my hair in the best way and I allow my eyes to roll back. he removes his hand and points up at the sky again.

"ha that one looks like two people kissing"

I look up and sure enough. ther are two people kissing. I wonder what it would be like to kiss louis. that's a normal thing to think about right? wanting to kiss your best friend? I mean we kiss each other's cheeks all the time, we sleep together and hold hands. we used to do it a lot more as kids, now we don't hold hands in public anymore because people give us weird looks. we usually only kiss cheeks at home alone. but we still sleep in the same bed every time we sleep over, which is practically every weekend and even some weekdays.

"that one looks like a heart and arrow"

I point at the collection of stars and louis looks at the same direction. I bring my hand to his chest and poke where his heart is. he looks at meand smiles.

"what was that for?"

"I put an arrow in your heart. you're mine now"

he giggles at me and pokes my heart in the same way.

"I was always yours haz. and you were always mine"

"yes I was"

we sit and watch the stars for a few hours while talking about mindless things. I love doing this sort of thing with louis. ever since he moved into a new room that has a window pointing to this field, we watch the stars when they come out and talk about random things. he now has the smallest room because he doesn't share with anyone. lottie and fizzy share, and daisy and phoebe share.

we eventually go back into the tent and zip it up around 2 hours later. it's just past midnight now and it's too cold to keep the tent open. we turn my laptop back on and play more episodes of friends. we get into our sleeping bags and roll onto our stomachs to cuddle up in front of the laptop. the whole of my right side is pushed up against louis' left side and I can't help but want to actually be held by him.

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