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"Then why the Fück am I here Blake?" I screamed at him once again.

It had been about a day since our last fight. I was over it though. I had no answers and still millions of questions running through my mind. Flashes of green and red swirled around his standing frame before vanishing.

His glared deepen when he seen I wasnt looking at him anymore. "One day Faith thats all you could do? One day of peace and quiet that I wanted? Why cant you be normal and hide in the room?" He growled out before heading for the front door.


Oh no. He cant sneak off this time. I followed after him catching the door before it flew shut. His growl deepen before walking into the snow. "You call any of this normal, Blake? None of this is normal for me did you not forget that you practically kidnapped me? With no answers or reason as to why?"

I dont know what happen this morning. Everything had seemed fine we both woke and had breakfast, made small talk. 'Dont believe his lies'

Maybe it was them. They had been chatter today then before maybe they had started this fight.

It didnt matter now i was angry and he was here to take it out on. "If you want to leave then fine." His form shifted and his jacket was flung at my face. "Leave. Lets see how far you get this time." He stolled back into the house this time the door rang with a rattle as it slammed shut leaving me outside. Alone.

So I did the only thing i could think of.

I walked away.

I was so over it. So over him and his cryptic ways. I had no answers to any of the million questions running through my head.

No answer as to what was going on.

No answer as to what he had gotten himself into or why i was so suddenly involved.

And no answer as to why I feel so attracted to him.

I think that was the worse part. No matter how i put this i still somehow found him attractive.

He had kidnapped me. Force me to have an abortion.

No not forced, I could have fought harder. But even I knew it was the right thing to do. Maybe i was blaming him because i didnt want to take credit for it. A part of me had wanted to keep the child and a part of me didnt. Maybe thats why i tried to take my life that night.

Maybe Im putting the blame of everything happening on him because it was him. If i had never met him everything would be normal now. Id still be with Tim and Jordan.


I covered my ears and closed my eyes.

'They never liked you.'

My knees buckled and i fell into the snowy powder.

'He doesnt even like you'

Tears prickled my vision as the flashes came back. Slower this time. A green flash stopped and stood in front of me. No not a green light. A figure cloaked in green.

And i knew this man. I knew this man standing in front of me. "Robin?"

"Come here Faith" My fathers sturn voice fluttered through my ears as my legs wabbled along with my bottom lip. "I want you to meet your cousins."

My lips quivered as I rushed to his side, taking his large hand in my chubby 4 year old one.

That was about one month before he was taken to the insane asylum. For reasons I had yet to know. His visions and voice's were the same as mine. But his were telling him to kill me.

'You are a disgrace.' Robins voice echoed around my empty skull.

I felt numb.

No pain.

No cold.


His light was gone and replace with a smaller frame. Her brown hair falling out of her red hood as her brown eyes lingered on my still healing wounds.

'You should have died.'

My head dropped to the ground. Tears blurred my vision. "You were doomed from the start werent you little one?" My head shot up at that voice again.

His voice.

The tall blond male stood where the flashes were mere mintues ago. His eyes flasing from red to grey. A dark stormy grey before looking up.

A deep growl sound from behind my back. I knew who it was. There was no bother with turning. Besides i didnt want to take my eyes off this man.

This predator.

He chuckled then looked back at me. "When your ready, come and find me." And with that two shaped emerged from the forest around us as he walked back into the darkness.

Blake didnt hesitate before he was completely gone and ran after him. The two ran together simultaneously dodging and punching and kicking before pushing Blake back one last time and taking off with laughter escaping there lips.

Blake shifted back and ran to me his naked form lowering to inspect. "Are you hurt?"

My head shook on its own accord. He picked me up and ran back to the cabin. I didnt realise how far i had gotten. But it seems i wasnt even alone on my little journey.

He kicked the door open before settling me on the couch and finding himself a pair of sweats. Mumbling to himself before grabing everything and shoving them into the bags he'd brought.

It didnt take long before we were on the road again. My head leaning against the window.

"I had made a deal." My head jerked to the side and eyed Blakes face. His jaw clenched his knuckles white against the steering wheel. "I had lost my parents at a young age and became rebelous because of it." He paused breathing in deeply. "My best friend, Jace was haveing a party out in the woods where we lived. It was his 18th. He'd lost his parents and had wanted to get shitfaced. And we did."

By this time he was pulled over but his hands stayed firmly on the steering wheel. "My younger brother had followed us that night. Everyone was drunk and swimming in the little pond. Nobody noticed his frantic movement or cared to hear his screams for help." My breathing hitched and my eyes closed. "By the time someone heard his cries it was to late. He wasnt breathing normally his lungs were so full of water even the doctors didnt know what to do. I left out into the woods screaming, crying, pleading with anything that would listen to help him. I couldnt lose him too."

His hands rubbed over his face, brushing against his eyes. "Alec heard my cries. He had offered to help only for a price. A price i was all to willing to pay. Alec helped my brother, in a couple days he returned to his normal self not remembering what had happen. Then a year went by. His words still echoed in my mind. I decided not to pay him back and ran. Hoping it would be enough. Hoping that i could have ran from my agreement from him."

Blake sighed and stayed quiet for a little while. I let him. Letting everything sink in.

"What did he want?" My voice soft. Understanding.

He sighed again and lowered his head. Eyes closed. "A life for a life." His head lifted. "He wanted my mate in return." My head spun with confusion as his eyes met mine.

"He wants you."

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