Chapter 27

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Sofie P.O.V
After two days in hospital, we were finally able to come home.

I lay Vince in his crib and Ace does the same with Aurora.

I stand next to Ace at the doorway as we stare at our kids.
Ace wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me to his side.

"I'm so glad I'm not pregnant anymore." I sigh and hear Ace chuckle.

"I don't know sweets. I kinda liked how you relied on me for everything." I playfully glare at him, earning a kiss on the temple on response.

We make our way back to our room and climb into bed. I rest my head on his chest and let the darkness take over.

I'm jolted awake by the alarms in the house blaring, meaning someone broke in.

Ace jumps out of bed and grabs two guns from the bedside table and hands me one.

"Get the kids and go straight to the safe room." He instructs. I nod my head and run to the nursery.

Both the twins are crying and I scoop them up. Dan rushes in with blood on his shirt.

"I need to get you to the safe room." I nod my head and follow him out. Dan shoots off anyone in the way and eventually we make it to the safe room.

"Don't leave and don't open the door unless it's one of us." After saying this, Dan leaves us to help downstairs.
I press my panic button and get a call from Antonio immediately.
"Antonio?" I sob into the phone while trying to calm Vince and Aurora.

"What happened?" I explain everything that happened and he says that help is on the way.

An hour later Ace opens the door to the safe room, breathing heavily with a bloody lip. I run to him and throw myself into his arms. He catches me easily and whispers soothing words into my ear.

Just then, Vince decides to wake up and begin crying, waking up Aurora in the process. I wipe away my tears and Ace goes up to Aurora while I tend to Vince. I'll get the answers to all my questions later.

Once they're both calm and sucking on their pacifiers, we go downstairs to see my brothers and Nick waiting. Gio and Dante take the twins from us and Ace sits me on his lap.

"Who were those guys? What did they want?" I ask.
"We don't know who it was, Miele." (Honey) Dante says.
Ace and everyone else talk for a bit more, but I'm zoned out and before long, I'm alseep on Ace's chest while he rubs circles on my back.

Ace P.O.V

walk into the nursery and pick up Vincent who is crying. I rock him slightly and give him my finger to grab on to.

"Hey calm down buddy, you'll wake your sister up." I say softly. He stops crying after a bit and ends up just sniffling.

It's been six months since the twins were born and the attack on the house happened. We're working extra hard on finding who was behind it, but for now, we've tripled the security at the house.

Aurora wakes up and makes a grumbling noise but doesn't cry. Instead she sits up and makes grabby hands towards me.

"You could learn a thing or two from her." I say to Vince. He just makes a grumpy sound.

I carry each of them on an arm and walk downstairs to the living room where the kid's mat is. I put them down gently and hand them a few stuffed toys.

Aurora giggles as I pretend to eat her neck. While we're playing, Sofie walks downstairs wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt.

"There you guys are." She says walking towards us. She freezes when Vince squeals and starts crawling towards her. "Ace! He's crawling! Get a video of this!" I rush to the kitchen to grab my phone. When I walk back, Aurora us crawling towards me!

I quickly pull my camera app and record them crawling for the first time. Neither of them make it the whole way and simply stop when they get tired.

"What's with all the yelling? I can hear you guys from down the street." Liam says, entering the house. I point at the two babies who are crawling around on the floor. "They're crawling!" Yeah, no shit Sherlock.

I look at Sofie and see her silently crying. Let's just say my wife gets a little emotional whenever the twins reach a milestone.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her to my chest. She quietly sobs and I continue rubbing circles on her back.

"You okay?" I ask after a few minutes. She nods her head and wipes away any remaining tears.

I feet something on my foot and smile when I see Aurora. I gently pick her up and start kissing her all over her face until she's giggling so much that she could could barely breathe. I stop and smile at my princess.

She is so beautiful and I can only imagine the number of boys I'm going to have to chase away. Luckily I have Vince to help me. I look over to him and see Liam trying to make funny faces and Vince laughing his head off.

I love my family.

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