Chapter 28

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Sofie P.O.V

"Mama." Vince says as he plays with my nose. I smile at him and kiss his cheek. Mama was both of their first words much to Ace's annoyance, but that disappeared as soon as they said dada for the first time.

"That's right buddy." I say, poking his stomach so that he giggles. I will never ever get tired of hearing that noise. "How about we grab your sister so we can go see aunty Helen?" I say, picking him up and walking to the nursery. Aurora was awake and sucking her thumb peacefully when we enter.

"Rory!" Vince squeals, jumping up and down excitedly in my arms.

"Vincey!" Aurora squeals, excited to see her twin. I smile at the two and get them ready. I can already tell that they're going to be best friends.

Once they're both ready in blue and pink onesies, I go downstairs and give them both to Dan and Brad, who are home for the weekend from university.  They've been doing this a lot more since the twins were born, but they know how to change diapers, which really works to my advantage. I head back upstairs and change into a pair of jeans and a loose t-shirt.

"You ready to go my angels?" I ask my babies.

"Where are you guys off to?" Dan asks, placing Vince into his car seat.

"Candyfloss. Helen wanted to see the kids." He nods and buckles up the twins.

I tell Stefano our destination and we head off. When we get there, I grab the two car seats and head inside, greeting everyone I pass. I finally make it to Helen's office and head inside. Helen gives me a nervous smile that has me curios. She was really determined to see the kids and said it had to be today. When I asked her why, she simply said that she hasn't seen them in too long.

"Hey sweetheart." She says with a smile that didn't quite meet her eyes.

"Hey Helen! You okay?" I ask, placing the twins' car seats on the ground against a wall.

"I'm just fine darling, I just have something to tell you. Why don't you have some tea?" I nod my head slowly and take a seat. Helen pours me a cup of tea but doesn't take one for herself. She glances at the twins before sighing again.

This was strange because usually she scoops them up as soon a she sees them. I sigh and take a sip of tea, hoping she'll tell me what's wrong when she's ready. Well, that doesn't happen ten minutes later, so I push.

"Okay Helen. Tell me what's wrong. And don't you dare say it's nothing." I demand. Placing down my empty cup.

"I'm so sorry darling." Helen whispers guiltily. I'm just about to ask her what she means, when three bulky looking men walk into the room. My first instinct is to go to the twins, but I feel extremely dizzy as soon as I stand. The tea!

"No..." I whisper, before everything goes black.

Trevor P.O.V

I walk through Candyfloss, looking for Sofie. I called Dan and he said she was here with the twins. I love those two munchkins!

I walk down the hallway and hear the twins crying and screaming. "Uncle Trevor to the rescue!" I call out dramatically as I enter the room.

I froze and all colour left my face. The two car seats were against a wall that had big bold letter written what I could only hope was lipstick.

On top of Aurora's car sear was an arrow and the words I'm next.

On top of Vince's car seat was an arrow pointing to the words I'll be after her.

I grab the kids and rush to my car. I immediately call Ace and he answers after a few rings.

"Trevor." He greets. Well hello to you too. Not the time, Trevor!

"Sofie's gone. Kids are with me. There was a message on the board. I-I can't find her!" I yell frantically, trying to calm the screaming kids.

"Shit! How did this happen?!" He yells through the phone. I think of what might have happened and I gasp.

"Helen! Damn that stupid woman!" I say. It's her! She must have drugged her tea or something.

"Get here. Now." Ace says, before hanging up. I desperately try to calm the twins but they weren't having it, so I figured being with their father was the last hope.

As I drove to the mansion, I didn't break a single speed limit because there were kids in the car with me.

As soon as I arrive, Ace runs out of the house and rushes to the twins, who immediately calm down with him. "What happened?" Antonio demands.

"I was looking for Sofie when I heard these two crying. I entered the room and saw this." I show them the photo I took and Ace calmly hands Emmalin the kids and instructs her to take them inside. He then walks to his Ferrari and punch the window so hard that it breaks.

Liam hands grip Ace's shoulder and he whispers something into his ear that makes him nod.

"Follow Sofie's bracelet GPS tracking. I need to go see my kids."

Ace P.O.V

I walk back inside after cleaning my knuckles and find Emma with the kids sitting on the play mat. When she sees me, she gets the message and leaves us alone.

"Dada!" Vince squeals.

"Hey buddy." I say softly, sitting down next to them.

"Dada!" Aurora says with a huge, toothless grin.

"That's right princess." I say, picking her up and placing her in my lap while I play with Vince and his toys.

"Mama?" Aurora says, or asks. I smile softly at her and kiss her chubby cheek.

"Mama isn't here right now, princess. But daddy promises to find her soon." I say, tickling her and making her giggle.

"Ace, we got her." Liam says, a feeling of pure determination filling me.

"Okay, I'll be there in a second." Liam nods before leaving.

"I love you guys." I say, kissing their cheeks and standing up.

"Wuvoo." Vince says, making me freeze.

"Wuvoo." Aurora repeats with a giggle. They're trying to say love you. Sofie would have loved to hear this. I smile softly at them, before leaving them with Emmalin and putting on my game-face.

I'm getting my wife back.

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