Chapter 1

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y/n POV
y/n, y/n, y/n.
I wake up suddenly and I'm in the pitch black. All of a sudden I feel a jerk and whatever I'm in starts moving up. It feels like I've been moving for at least a half-hour but how am I supposed to know? By now my eyes have adjusted to the dark and I'm in a giant metal box, surrounded by crates and supplies. I spot a machete and grab it, wherever I'm going it will probably come in handy. Suddenly the box comes to a halt and I hear this siren, machete in hand, I get ready for what's to come. Two big metal panels are flipped open and there is a swarm of guys around 16/17-year-olds who are just staring down at me. One of the guys, with sandy hair and brown eyes, says "It's a shucking girl". The next thing I hear is more talking, "is she hot" "dibs" "you can't dibs her". Ugggg boys, finally I say, "you guys gonna just stand there or help me out? Okay then, I'll get out myself." I hop up on a crate and then another and hoist myself up into what looks like a large field. All of the guy's faces are in shock, like how did she just do that. "Take a picture it will last longer" I roll my eyes "so is anyone going to show me around and explain why I am in the middle of this field with walls and boys or..." This has started to freak me out a little, but I can't show them anything, so I remain with my arms crossed with a straight face until finally, someone steps forward.

Alby POV
Someone needs to step forward, as in me because I'm in charge. "Hey greenie, you remember anything?" "Ya, but why should I tell you, I don't owe you anything," she smirked. Oh, she was going to fit in great. "Okay I understand that, but we are on the same side here, I'm Alby the guy who is first in command, welcome to your new home. Newt, take her on the tour, as for everyone else get back to work ya shanks," I respond and look at Newt.

y/n POV
The boy with sandy coloured hair and soft brown eyes. I assume he must be Newt, he seems sweet but I can't trust anyone yet. "Hey greenie, I'm N-" I cut him off " Ya, come on just tell me what's going on" He looked shocked but amused as if he had known me my whole life. He went on to say that it's all a test or whatever, I honestly didn't care, I just wanted to know how this place operated. Newt explained there were 9 jobs: Builder, cooks, slicers, track-hoes, med-jacks, sloppers, bricknicks, baggers, and runners. I was interested in Med-Jack, but I also like to bake. Maybe I can ask to be a med-jack but use the kitchen sometimes. I must have zoned out cause then I heard Newt yelling at me and waving his hand in front of my face. So greenie-," he started but I cut him off. "y/n," I muttered, "I'm not a greenie or whatever, it's y/n." He laughs "okay, well I have to go and work so you tag along if you would like so you aren't alone." "That's okay, thanks though, I think I'll go explore," I say. Meaning I'm going to go over to the trees and climb one. That way I can stay alert to my surroundings, but still, calm my nerves, and I knew it was a way to escape all the comments I knew the guys would be making.

Newt POV
I just stared in shock as she walked away. All the books that were sent up in the box, said that girls were weak, or super flirty. y/n seemed the exact opposite, she was brave, sassy, and courageous, I knew she was going to fit in.

                 ................Time Skip..............

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