Chapter 6

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................Time Skip..............

y/n POV
We are already about 20 questions in the game, most of the gladers have gone to bed. Newt, Chuck, Minho, Gally, Fry, Alby and I are left. Already Minho has no shirt on and is covered in tree sap, Chuck has a mouth full of grass, Gally is drunk and trying to sing the ABC's, Newt is asleep on the grass, I'm sitting on Fry's back as he tries to do 5 pushups, and Alby is trying to do a handstand. What a bunch of weirdos we are. After Fry did the pushups, a lot faster than I thought he would, I told them I was going to help Newt back then turn in myself. I walked over to Newt and shook him, he simply said "no." Oh god, this was going to be hard. I finally got Newt on his feet but he was leaning heavily on me, we finally got into the homestead and his little room. Alby and Newt had tiny rooms cause they were 1st and 2nd in command. I laid him on his makeshift bed with a grunt. I wish I hadn't made any noise because it spooked him and he ended up grabbing my waist and pulling me down beside him. I was hesitant to move cause I didn't want to wake him up, but I couldn't stay here. It had been about 15 minutes now but it felt like an hour, Newt finally loosened his grip. This was my chance, I shimmied out of his arms and walked out of his room. I ran into Alby and looked up "this is not what it looks like, I promise. I know the rules," I whispered. He chuckled then nodded "I know, he was dead asleep when you brought him back here. Plus if anything did happen with you and Newt it would be fine by me. That's the only rule break I'd allow it with." I just stared at him in shock, heat coming up to my face. I opened my mouth to say something but just nodded and walked off to my hut. What was that, why did I blush, I'm just going to forget that happened and get some sleep. I'm laying in bed thinking what Ably means by that. I don't like Newt like that, do I...?, no I don't. I'm just going to go to sleep the sooner I do the sooner I can forget this happened.

Alby POV
y/n's face was hilarious when I told her that. Her face was turning so red. I wonder how she would react to Newt liking her. Does she have feelings too? Newt would treat her right and she's so outgoing which is what Newt needs. Which is why he is the only boy in the glade I would let y/n date. I know it seems harsh but it's the right thing to do. I smirked, I can't wait to see how this turns out.

Newt POV
Oh god, how much did I drink last night? I have a major headache, the last thing I remember was Minho clucking around like a chicken. I wonder what happened after that. Wait, how am I in my bed? I thought I fell asleep in the glade. Alby walked into my room and just laughed at me. "You look pretty bad shank." "Shut up Alby," I muttered. "If you're wondering who brought you back it was y/n, she carried you back here. She was in there for a good 15 minutes, I wonder what happened." I was shocked, y/n brought me back what happened? Tell me what happened," I groaned. "Don't look at me, I just ran into her as she left, she claims nothing happened, but you're going to ask her." He put his hands up in defence and laughed at me. I just groaned and laid back down. This was going to be a long day.

y/n POV
I woke up with a killer headache wanting to just go back to sleep. I thought that didn't sound like a bad idea but I knew that the boys would come looking for me. I sat up and felt something leak onto my underwear. Oh god no, not today, no not today. Great, I have to find a way to cover this up. How is that going to be possible? When the devil comes a-knockin, I'm a moody bitch and the pain is insufferable. I just hope I can hide it from the guys for a week, god, help us all.

................Time Skip..............

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