Chapter 8

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................Time Skip..............

y/n POV
The day was finally over and it had felt so long. Gally wouldn't stop annoying me, it was so hard not to punch him. As well as having to go to the bathroom more than normal. I walked toward the kitchen to grab some food, there was no way in hell that I was going to the bonfire tonight. I walked in and it was past dinner so I would probably just make myself a sandwich and could find some chocolate. Mmmm chocolate, while I was making my supper Minho walked in. "Hey y/n, you okay, Clint said you were off today?" I rolled my eyes, seriously just leave me alone and let me die in peace. In my fakest sweetest voice I replied "yes Minho, I'm fine, now please leave me be." I just grabbed my sandwich and walked out. I heard him yell "see you at the bonfire" and I yelled back "nope." I finally made it back to my hut and just collapsed on my bed. Ahhhhh, I mentally screamed as yet another wave hit. That's when I heard a knock on my door, not now, come back later when I'm not dying. "Go away," I moaned. But no, whoever they were barged into my room, doing the opposite of what I asked. I rolled over hiding my face in my pillow not wanting to socialize. "We won't leave until you tell us what's going on." I hear a voice speak but I can't tell who it is because I have my face in a pillow, but I was confused, we? Curiosity gets the best of me so I turn back over and sure enough, I see Chuck, Newt, Minho, Alby, and Fry standing at the edge of my bed. Shuck, I didn't lock my door. All I can do is sigh. My friends care about me too much. That's not a bad thing but right now it's lowkey annoying. "Nothing is going on, so now leave," I smile super big.

It's funny that y/n thinks she can get rid of this easily. "That's funny that you think we are just going to leave, it's going to take a lot more than that," I laugh. Usually, y/n would laugh along with me but all I get is a sigh and a forced smile. That is not okay.

Newt POV
I'm really worried about y/n she is not herself. I wonder if it's because I did something, I hope not. I nervously laugh and ask "we didn't do anything to you did we?" She just shakes her head.

Minho POV
"I am not taking this attitude young lady, tell us what is up or-" I start. "Or you'll what," she sneers. I just stare at her in shock. Okay, that's new, she only sneers at Gally.

Alby POV
Okay maybe if I crack a stupid joke she will loosen up and tell us. "I'm the leader, I order you to tell us." I chuckle as I say that is a fake serious tone, but how she responds to me is a huge surprise. "I don't have to tell you anything, and you can't order me around," she growls. Oh no, what is going on with her?

Chuck POV
I want y/n back, where did she go? I try to stop myself but I have to ask her. "Where did you go y/n, I want the old you back." She just sighs and replies, ¨I never left, I'm still here.¨ But I don't believe her.

y/n POV
They won't stop asking questions, I feel like I might explode. Question after question, that's it I can't take it anymore. "I'm on my period," I sigh and shake my head. "NOW GET OUT," I yelled. I shouldn't have done that, damn it, now I have to run to the bathroom. I get up, push past the confused guys, and run/waddle out of my hut straight to the bathrooms. I can hear the guys coming after me yelling my name.

Minho, Alby, Newt, Fry, Chuck POV
Period, what's a period? Next thing I know y/n pushes past me. I ran out after her calling "y/n, wait."

................Time Skip..............

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