Chapter 13

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           ................Time Skip..............

y/n POV
And done, I pull the pies out of the oven just as Fry walks back in. Perfect timing if I do say so myself. "Hey Fry, just finished, serve the guy's stew and I'll cut the pie and bring it out," I smile. The pie turned out great and all the guys loved it, even Gally said it was good. I walked back to the kitchen and ran into Newt. "Hiya Newt, wanna help with the dishes?" As much as I love cooking and baking, dishes aren't fun, unless you have someone to do them with. He nodded and followed me back to the kitchen.

Newt POV
I started to follow y/n back to the kitchen, I don't see the harm in helping her do the dishes. It's not like I was going to confess or kiss her, I hope. I started filling the sink with water and I felt my back get wet. I turned around and saw y/n at the other sink with the spray nozzle laughing, oh it was so on. We ended up having a full-on water fight, we walked out of the kitchen with no dishes being done and soaking wet. We passed Alby and Minho, Alby just laughed but Minho winked but y/n sacked him and he doubled down. "Oops," y/n laughed.

Minho POV
That was not an accident, she did that on purpose. I will get her back for that. I snuck up behind her when she was talking to Winston. I grabbed her waist, threw her over my shoulder, and started to run. She just laughed, "Minho you idiot, you just gave me the upper hand," and with that, she does some kind of twist and I'm on my back and she's standing on top of me. "Like I said upper hand, seriously Minho you know better," she laughed.

Bruce POV
Woah she is super spunky, just like Gally said. She shouldn't have so much control, she should be at our beck and call. She is the only girl for crying out loud. I have a plan, I told Gally the first part. Hopefully, everything goes according to plan. Gally seems off, whatever though.

               ................Time Skip..............

Sorry that chapter was so short guys. I didn't mean for it. The next chapters should hopefully end up being longer. Hope you are enjoying the story.

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