Chapter 17

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               ................Time Skip..............

Newt POV
I made my way over to y/n's hut. There was about an hour till the doors closed and I thought this would be the perfect time to talk to her. Possibly even comfort her since Bruce is being banished. Even though he is a bad guy and deserves it, I would think it would be hard to see that happen for the first time. I knocked on her door and softly said her name, not wanting to disturb her. She let me and she was smiling but she seemed off. "Hey, you doing okay?" I asked, worried about her. "Why do you care, you couldn't even bother to look at me while at the meeting. Look I'm sorry I kissed you, I was trying to put across a point, I hope this doesn't change anything between us," she sighed, running her hand through her hair. "But I want things to change," I whisper. She whipped around "what did you say? Newt, tell me," I can tell that she's trying to hide her curiosity. I cup her face with my hands and gently kiss her, I pull back to look at her but she pulls me back in. This kiss was a lot more passionate, and I never want to let go but she pulls back and laughs. "We have to talk about this, everything is definitely not going back to normal but is this going anywhere?" she says as she starts pacing, she looks so cute when she focuses. "Well maybe we could test out dating or something," I murmured. "Yes, like a test run, and then we tell Alby if everything goes well, but why wouldn't it, and then everyone else, Newt that's perfect." She jumps around super happy. I laughed and smiled at her, she was absolutely adorable.

y/n POV
Newt just technically asked me out, finally, I giggled. "We better head to the banishing, you have a job tonight," I sigh. I wish he would be there beside me not up there, but he's second in command so he has to. "I could ask Thomas to take my place so you don't have to be alone," Newt asks, clearly worried about me. But I just shake my head, "I'll just hang with Thomas, I should get to know him in any way. He's the only guy that didn't make an effort to be my friend that was already friends with the "gang". But I may as well make the effort to try to see if a friendship could happen. We walk up towards the maze entrance and Thomas walks over to us. "Hey guys," he says. "Hey Thomas, mind if I hang with you while Newt's busy?" I asked. Most of my friends were Keepers anyway so they had a job to do. Little Chuckie was the only one not working but I didn't want to stress him out, this being my first time seeing this as well it has to do with me. "For sure, I don't mind, and we never really connected so...," he laughs. Thomas seems kinda cool, hopefully he isn't a jerk. Bruce was dragged out of the cell and was kicking and screaming the whole time. He looked so scared and mad. I kind of felt bad, but when he started screaming "YOU BITCH" that part of me slowly shrank. I just stood next to Thomas and held my head high. No way in hell was I going to let him get to me. Bruce was doing everything in his power to fight back against the poles but he made no progress, Minho threw a bag into the maze, and just as the doors closed Bruce turned and ran into the maze not wanting to be squashed.

Minho POV
It had been such a long day after everyone was done cleaning up. I finally headed back to get some sleep.

"Bruce was a bad apple and deserved to be banished. But we need more test subjects so go retrieve him and prepare chamber 8."

Bruce POV
"Let go of me," I screamed. Who were these people and what did they want with me?

             ................Time Skip..............

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