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Jungkook point of view

I wake up and saw no one besides me i guess taehyung went to work i stood up and saw a sticky note beside my phone

"jungkook-ah i don't want to wake you up this morning so you can rest don't forget about to take medicine i put it besides the note only im heading to work and taking taeggukie to school take care i love you

Tae 💜"

Aish this man is so sweet i should clean up since I don't have anything to do I'll start on taehyung things since he is the messiest here i lift his luggage up something dropped from it "what's this? " i think to myself and pick it up it was a purple bracelet with a heart saying best friend

Aish this man is so sweet i should clean up since I don't have anything to do I'll start on taehyung things since he is the messiest here i lift his luggage up something dropped from it "what's this? " i think to myself and pick it up it was a pur...

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Why is it so familiar where have I seen it before have ne met before kim taehyung this bracelet....it means something...suddenly my head start aching and some flashback started to come i start remembering some things


"yah i have something for you" i said and took out something from my pocket "i made this bracelet for you don't lose it ok" he nodded "ok wait i have something for you too tada~ i have a bracelet for you too don't loose it okay if im not with you this bracelet will be always there this will always reminds you of me araso

"yah i have something for you" i said and took out something from my pocket "i made this bracelet for you don't lose it ok" he nodded "ok wait i have something for you too tada~ i have a bracelet for you too don't loose it okay if im not with you ...

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He said i nodded as ge pyt the bracket in my wrist

End of flashback

My eyes start to tear up as i finally realized that my long lost friend is my lover my first ever friend is him my taelien how can't i recognize him? How can i forget about you how can i forget about my first best friend i missed you my taelien i always do

I still can't believe i met him again im so happy i have been waiting for so long for you tae and now here we are loving each other

Single Father //Taekook//  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now