Chapter 5

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{Strong language in this chapter}

Karlie's POV

I closed my eyes right before Taylor's lips would be on mine. She was so close. Just one more inch, then our lips would touch. 

"MISS SWIFT! Your pizza is here," a voice screamed outside Taylor's apartment.

Taylor let go of my waist and quickly pulled away. Her face was bright red and she was trying to say something, but her mouth open and closed and it made her look like a guppy.

A really cute guppy.

Ugh! Karlie!

"I-I'm gonna get the p-pizza," Taylor stuttered. She ran out of the kitchen and went to the front door. I was holding onto the counter for support. I was so shocked about what just happened, my legs felt like they were about to give in.

I heard Taylor talking to a man. It was probably her bodyguard. They wouldn't just send the pizza guy up.

The door shut and I quickly ran up to Taylor's room, put on any shirt I could find and grabbed my things. I felt bad that Taylor payed for the pizza, and that I wasn't going eat any of it because I was leaving, so I placed some money on her nightstand.

I cannot believe we almost kissed. Taylor almost kissed me. Does she feel something for me?

I needed to leave. 

When I got downstairs, Taylor was leaning against the counter where our "almost kiss" happened. The pizza was right behind her, her head was in her hands and she was talking to herself. 

"I just messed everything up. What the hell was I thinking? She doesn't have any feelings for me. And now she's gone," Taylor said softly to herself. I could hear that she was crying, and I wanted to comfort her but I really needed to get out of here.

I glanced at Taylor one last time and quietly left her apartment.

I need a drink.


"GIVE ME ANOTHER SHOT!" I yelled at the bartender. He was looking at me weirdly, but I really didn't give a fuck. I think I had over several shots by now, but I needed more. 

An image of Taylor was instantly on my mind. I wanted to drink it away, but it was impossible. That fucking girl is playing with my mind. 

I can still remember the way she looked last night, in just a bra and panties. She's so fucking hot. And how her breath was on my face earlier. It smelled like coffee, and I wanted to taste it.

I got a craving for coffee. Maybe they have some here?

The bartender was pretty cute. He was probably 20 or something, and I think his name was Jason, but he wasn't my type.

A certain blonde singer was my type.

Jason placed another shot in front of me, and I quickly chugged it down. It was burning my throat, but I didn't care.

"Do you haaavvee sommee coffeeee?" I slurred.

Jason gave me an confused look.

"No, this is a bar. We don't sell coffee here. Maybe I can brink you a glass of water?"

"NO! I want coffee! Oh, and I want Taylor too!"

"Who's Taylor?" Jason asked.

"She's my best friend, duuuhhh. I like her, you know? I like LIKE her. She's really hot, and we almost kissed earlier, but we got interrupted. And I think she regrets it now."

Josh gave me a pity look. And then his face turned serious.

"Well you know what, mysterious and drunk girl I don't know. I think you should go to her right now, and talk to her."

"But it's like 2am." I said.

"Fuck the time. LOVE HAS NO TIMER!" Jason yelled.


I don't think I love Taylor.

But i'm still gonna go to her!

"You know what, Jason-"

"It's Mason, actually."

"Shut the fuck up.  You know what, Rayson? I'm gonna go to her right now!"

I stood up. I grabbed my purse and ran out of the bar.

It was pretty cold outside, and my car was still across the building where Taylor's apartment is, because I just felt like running. I called a cab and gave him my address. When he arrived, I told him the location I wanted to go to and we were off.

When we got to Taylor's apartment, I gave him some money and ran out. Taylor's bodyguard recognized me and let me in. 

I was now standing in front of her door and decided to just barge in, since it was unlocked.


I heard footsteps.

"Karlie, is that you?"

"No, it's Santa KLOSS! Hahahahahaha, get it?"

Taylor appeared in front of me.

"Karlie, are you drunk?"

"Just a little."

That was a total lie.

"Come on, let's get you to bed. I'll get you some water and an aspirin. You're gonna be really hungover in the morning."

"Okaaaaaaaay Taaaaaaayyyyyy." I slurred.

I looked at Taylor and saw that there was a smile tugging at her lips. 

I wanted to kiss her right now.

But I decided against it.

"You head upstairs, I'll get the the stuff in the kitchen."

I ran up to Taylor's bedroom for the third time today. Wait, it's the first time today, since it's 2am.

"HAPPY NEW DAY TAYLOR!" I yelled from upstairs. I heard Taylor chuckle.

I got out of my shorts and top and just then, Taylor entered the room.

She stood completely still. I saw a glass of water and aspirin in her hand, and she avoided eye contact while walking over to the nightstand and placing it down.


"Yes, Karlie?"

She turned around, and her eyes were dark again. It was silent for a while, before I asked her the question I've been dying to know.

"Do you want me too?"

"Karlie, you're drunk. I'll get you some of my pj's and then you can sleep here in my room, and I'll sleep on the couch downstairs."


She looked me straight in the eye.

"I'm just gonna say this now because I know you're not gonna remember this in the morning." She said.

"Yes Karlie, I do want you. I want you all for myself. I was so fucking jealous of that Josh everytime you were with him. I want to kiss you everytime I see you, and make you feel happy. I want to make love to you right now, because you look so fucking hot in that lingerie, but you don't feel the same, so I'm just gonna leave it at that. Goodnight Karlie."



Sorry about any grammar and/or spelling mistakes.

Stupid joke: How does Nasa organize a party?




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Much Love

L.* xxx

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