Chapter 10

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{I wrote this on my phone so excuse the mistakes}

Taylor's POV

"Okay, so today is the last day of my shoot and then the next two weeks we can do whatever we want," Karlie stated. 

"Can't wait," I said with a small smile. Karlie was already running late, but she walked up to me, gave me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek and went straight for the door. 

"See you tonight, babe!" She yelled.

"Bye Karls!"

We've already been in Cape Town for a few days, and it was great. The weather was getting hotter every single day, so I was thankful I only packed summer clothing. I was alone again for the next few hours, so I decided to get changed into a pair of shorts and tank top. I grabbed my purse, my phone, some money and went out. I called my driver and he took me to the local mall. Since Karlie has been busy the last few days, I wanted to buy her something because she invited me with her on this trip and she's been doing a lot for me. 

We arrived at Canal Walk - the mall - and I got out. It's Friday today, so it was a little busy, but I didn't mind. I walked into the big building and looked around. There was a group of four girls who noticed me and I smiled at them. The giggled and walked over.

"Oh my gosh, it really is you! Do you mind if we get a picture?" The tallest girl asked.

"Hahaha, I don't mind at all. I'm Taylor." I gave each of them a hug and they introduced themselves. I took a picture with each of them and then we took a group picture.

"Do you girls know where I can get any cute bracelets or necklaces?"

"Yeah, there's an American Swiss just around the corner. It's really expensive but totally worth it," one of the girls said.

"Thanks. Enjoy the rest of your day guys!" I waved and walked off. When I got around the corner, the store was right infront of me. I was amazed by all the jewellary, but something caught my eye. I walked over to it, and immediately knew that I wanted to buy this. It was a heart necklace with a "K" on top of it. It was gorgeous. I picked it up and saw that you could open it. When I opened it, there was a quote in Afrikaans with a picture of a sparkle in the background. The words were 'Jy is my helder ster in die donker nag.'

"It means 'You are my shining star in the darkest of nights'." Someone said behind me. I turned around and saw a girl about my age smiling at me.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you Miss Swift. I'm Caroline. First of all: I'm a big fan. And second: Can I help you with that?" She said with a smile.

"Hi Caroline. Nice to meet you too. Yeah, I'd just really like to buy this necklace please," I said.

"Great. Come with me."

We walked to the counter and she placed the necklace in a neat box. I payed and thanked her once again. I remembered the quote inside the necklace as I was walking to the food court to get something to eat.

You are my shining star in the darkest of nights.

It was perfect. When I got some fries and finished eating it, I went to the liqour store to get some fancy wine for tonight. I wanted to give it to Karlie as soos as she came home. She's gonna be so suprised.


Karlie's POV

I was finally done with my shoot at the beach, and checked my watch. It was 5pm, and me and Taylor had enough time to do something. My shoot was supposed to end at 4pm, but atleast it's done now. Maybe we can swim on the rooftop since it's hot throughout the night. 

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