Chapter 12

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{ I was listening to James Blunt's song "Stay The Night" while writing this. So if you wanna listen to that while reading this, then go ahead :) }

Karlie's POV

Tomorrow is the day. The day I'm gonna tell Taylor everything. Am I nervous? Hell fucking yes. But I don't even know why? I know she loves me back, but what if she's mad at me? What if she says no? What if she leaves when I tell her that I know that she's in love with me?

What if....

Ugh, whatever. If I have to face the consequences to have Taylor for myself, then I will. No matter what happens, she will be mine.

We're currently in the car on our way to the beach. My hand was on Taylor's thigh, just to tease her. Her face was bright red, but she was looking out the window.

"Oh! We have to go to that cute little ice cream shop! And to that cafe! I want a cocktail!" She beamed.

I chuckled and said.

"We can do that after we finished tanning and swimming. We need to look like bronze goddesses after today!"

"Are you kidding me Karls? I already AM a goddess." She joked and made a funny pose. Her lips were in a pout and she placed her hands on her sides. I laughed at her and she looked at me weirdly.

"Why are you laughing? We all know that I am the queen around here," Taylor said in a 'diva-like' voice. I laughed even harder and my stomach was starting to hurt. It wasn't even that funny, but the way she said it just made it perfect.

When I calmed down, I looked at Taylor who was playfully glaring at me. I gave her a cheeky smile and she raised her left eyebrow. I then pouted like a little kid and she stuck her tongue out at me. She looked so adorable.

"I have to give it to you Swift, you are a really good actress." 

"Actress? You think I was acting? This is the real me!" She stated, lifting her fist up into the air.

I grabbed her waist and started tickling her again. It was a definite 'deja vu' moment from this morning. All I wanted to do was kiss her, right there on that couch. When her hair was all messy and her face bare with make-up. She is so perfect.

"K-Karlie s-stop it! W-we're at the b-beach!" Taylor said in between giggles, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Fine." I stopped tickling her and the car came to a stop. We both got out, and it was as if a heat wave hit me all over my body. 

"Damn, we need to get into that water real fast." I said.

"Agreed. But we can't forget to put some sunscreen on!"

"Whatever, mom," I said rolling my eyes. Taylor chuckled and we started walking towards the beach. We got a spot not too far away from the water and unpacked our bags. I grabbed the umbrella and forced it into the ground. When it was finally stable, I took my towel and rolled it out. Taylor did the same, and she started taking her clothes off. She was busy with something and I took advantage to look at her body again. I swear her legs went on forever, and the small blue bikini made everything better. 

"Last one in the water is a loooosseeeer!" Taylor screamed like a little girl. Since I was already in my bikini, I started running too. When I was next to Taylor, she gently pushed me to the side and ran in front of me. I slowed down a bit to admire her. The way her short hair would get in her face whilst running and the way she laughed throwing her head back. The way she turned around in the water telling me that I'm the loser and she would stick her tongue out. The way she smiles when she looks at me.

But I am most definitely not a loser.

Because I have her.

And that makes me a winner.


"I told you you had to put some sunscreen on after we got out of the water," Taylor said, pulling her chair out and sitting down. We were currently at that cafe Taylor wanted to go to.

My whole back was burned and my face looked like a tomato. But luckily since it was summer, everyone looked like tomatoes. 

"You look like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer," Taylor said. I glared at her and looked at the menu. She laughed it off and also looked at her menu. We both decided to get a cocktail and just a small basket of fries. A girl came up to take out order and said that it would be brought by a different waiter soon. It was the perfect moment to ask Taylor about tomorrow night.

"So Taylor," I started, feeling a bit nervous.

"Yeah Karls?"

C'mon Karlie, get a grip.

"I wanted to know if you'd like to go out tomorrow night for a special something. Just me and you?" I asked.

Taylor's eyes widened.

"L-like a d-date?" She stuttered. The nervous feeling I had a second ago vanished when I remembered the effect I have on her.

"You can call it that, if you want." Immediately regaining my confidence. I winked at her and smirked. She chuckled nervously and turned bright red.

"Y-yeah, we can go out tomorrow night."

"Great. Wear that super hot dress you bought the other day?" 

Karlie, you flirty bitch.

"Ha-ha, o-okay." Taylor said. 

The waiter came with our fries and drinks and placed it on the table. I saw him checking Taylor out with the corner of my eye. 

"Hi, it's Taylor right? I'm Damon and I just wanted to say I'm a big fan of your music." He was now looking up and down her body and I just wanted to smash his face with a bat. 

"Uhm, thanks Damon," Taylor smiled. 

I was growing madder by the second and he actually had the nerve to ask if he can sit down and talk a bit.

"No, can't you see we're here to enjoy each other's company? We are on vacation and I'd like to spent some time with her alone." I spat at him. His eyes immediately found mine and he actually looked a little scared. I bet he didn't even notice me before I opened my mouth.

"I'm s-sorry, I'm gonna leave now." He stuttered walking away. When he was gone, Taylor grabbed my hand and said.

"Karlie, what the hell?"

"What? He was basically eye-fucking you, and I wasn't gonna let him do that. The little bastard even had the nerve to ask if he could sit down. He's a fucking waiter, isn't he supposed to be working?"

Taylor looked confused for a moment, but her mouth immediately formed into a big grin. 

"Ah. I see. You're just jealous Karlie."

"I am n-not."

She leaned over the table and whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry, I only have eyes for this one person."

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat the moment Taylor's face was near mine.

"A-and who is that?" I stuttered. I shivered when I felt her hot breath on my ear again.

"You'll find out soon."


sorry about any spelling/grammar mistakes 


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See you guys Saturdaaaay!!!

Pun: Need an ark to save two of every animal?
I noah guy.

Yeah, I need funnier puns.

Much love

L.* xxx

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