The Benefactor 1

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Hello, people ! ;D

First, thanks for reading this... Or at least clicking on it, haha [:

Well, I hope you like it, but here's a heads-up on the story line... It's crazy, with a lot of plot twists and fantasy ;D And a little student/teacher romance. But there is still a LOT of romance and drama (Well, I assume there is, anyway)

But, here we go ! ;D

Chapter 1

ben·e·fac·tor [ben-uh-fak-ter, ben-uh-fak-]


1. a person who confers a benefit; kindly helper.

2. a person who makes a bequest or endowment, as to an institution.

Yet I had never really met one before. I knew what it meant and all; I knew examples of them, too. But I never expected to have a benefactor or live with one, a handsome one at that. Sexy, more like. Though the circumstances of having him, or well meeting him weren't the best, but had to accept it eventually, but I didn't know if I could. Don't get me wrong, having an incredibly hot, young man watching over you while your parents are traveling the world is quite amazing. Let me just hope he's worth it.


I packed all day, dreading the moment I'd have to leave my cozy and familiar home for a new and unknown dorm room of Castle Wood Academy. Worst of all, I'd be practically living with the headmaster, but I didn't feel so alone on the 'new kid' thing. My benefactor and headmaster, William Knight, would be taking his position for the first time. Yeah, I have my travel-loving parents to thank for that.

I told them not to go; I tried so hard to convince them to stay with me, in our home. I even took a persuasion class to prevent them from hopping on that plane to London, their first stop. But they didn't listen; they wanted to travel the world and see all of the wonders of it.

They planned to travel the world, the entire earth, during my senior year and send me away to some unfamiliar school- for my SENIOR year. The most important year of my entire life. The year that I'd plan my entire future, though I had already planned my college and my career. But even that, it wouldn't stop how I felt. It didn't seem fair nor sensible, and I hated the fact that I'd be the new kid during senior year and that I'd know no one but my benefactor.

A benefactor. Who had those anymore? It seems so old and foreign. Plus, I'd only heard about them in Great Expectations where Pip had one. It's not like any of my friends had one; it was a foreign land to me. But I did read his biography, and he seemed normal enough. He had a Facebook and all that jazz, even for a headmaster at a private school. It seemed almost unfathomable.

I'd seen a picture of him, too, and I had to admit he was pretty gorgeous. His dark hair curled softly in little tufts that came right below his cute little ears, and his stubbly beard started right around his ears too. And yes, he had black rimmed glasses that only he could pull off. He was the picture perfect teacher to have an affair with, but I knew I'd be playing with fire if I even thought about that. And when I play with fire, I usually burn down everything around me.

"Olivia, Mr. Knight is here," my mom said, nonchalantly peering in my room where I sat next to a stuffed suitcase.

I sat there a moment, contemplating whether I should rush to leave or just sit here and sulk about moving, cry for awhile and then get snatched away from my room within the same fifteen seconds? Or hurry up and leave this place and onto an airplane to take me far away from the only home I've ever known? Both choices made me miserable, but leaving might at least take my mind off... Oh, who am I kidding? I'd just rather go back in time to change my parents' decision of being such history freaks. Or maybe they were just obsessed with the world.

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