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Zach's phone starts ringing.

The brunet grabs it.

"Yuh?" [read in a Ariana Grande voice please]

"Mr. Herron, this is the police."

He quickly sits up and wipes the drool of his face.

"Good morning, how can I help?"

"Mr. Herron, I'm sorry to inform you but we found no evidences of you having a stalker-"

"But I saw a flash, I swear!"

Jack stirs and cracks one eye open.

"Mr. Herron, it was probably just the thunder...it was raining when it happened."

Zach sighs.

"Yeah...you're probably right...thank you officer."

"Please, do call if it happens again."

"Sure, thank you." Zach hangs up the phone and sighs again, pulling on his hair.

"Everything okay bubs?"

"I- the police said i didn't hear anything, that I was making it up."

"You can stay with us as long as you want okay?"

"Jack, let me at least help in paying the bills...i don't want you to struggle because of-"

"That's a problem for another time...its Sunday and we only have church in...three hours."

Zach smiles and sets down his phone. He snuggles into Jack's chest.

"You're always so warm..." The brunet mutters. "And you smell so good."

Jack chuckles and pulls him closer.

"You're so gorgeous...and you smell like a mix of yours and my cologne."

Zach kisses his neck.

They stay in silence for a bit.

"Are you free this Monday?"

"Yeah, I'm taking a day off work to see if I can find some inspiration for my works."

"Do you wanna...maybe go to school with me and talk about Renaissance...i know its your favorite art period."

"I'd love to baby...you'll be there next to me...right?"

"Yeah, sitting on my desk, looking at your butt."

"What if they ask something I don't know?"

"Then I'll answer it the best I can."

"You're so cute baby...i might act up, if I see you being a hot teacher."

"Looks like someone has a thing for teachers..." Jack teases.

"Jack Robert Avery!"

They laugh.

"Bold of you to assume that you're not the only teacher I have a thing for."

Jack pecks his cheek.

"I might stay with you after class..." His hand starts tracing his hip. "maybe a little detention..."

"Jack! Don't be kinky! It's public school!"

"Oh you think that's bad? I once had to go in the boy's bathroom because a student told me that two jocks were sucking each other off."

"I once caught Corbyn fucking a chick...on a sex swing."

"Damn, okay you win."


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