𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑎 𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒

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*two weeks later*

"Jack...you didn't have to take a day off work just to come with me...im a big guy."

"You're still my baby and I support my babies with all of my heart."

"Stop being cute or ill lick your face in front of all these people!"

They chuckle.


"Mr. Herron, you can come in now."

The couple walks in Jonah's office.

"Good morning Zach and...sorry I forgot your name."

"Jack, Jack Avery and good morning to you too Mr. Marais."

The couple sits down on the chairs.

"So Zach, show me what you've got."

"I made a few paintings, just to see if you wanted to have at least one in your gallery."

Zach takes out the first painting.

"This one is abstract art and I called it Liberty, the L being capitalized since it's a name."

"Who are you representing in this?"

"Jack's beautiful little girl, I used the brown to represent her eyes, the blue is her favorite color, the stars are her eyes, the splashes or color are-"

"The passion and effort she puts into things...the letters, I'm assuming, it's a dificulty with learning." Jonah continues.

"Exactly...and the handprint symbolizes the first time she held my hand and the way she touched my heart."

"Zach, this is beautiful...are you sure you want this exposed for people to buy?"

"I just want this one exposed without being bought."

"Okah, I can make that happen, show me more."

Zach takes out another painting.

"This one is pretty self-explanatory, it's called bliss."

"Oh wow...this one is...wow...i can't form words to describe it."

Jonah admires the canvas with splashes of color, a barely noticeable body was arching their back off the surface they were laying on, their mouth open and eyes rolled back.

"How did you get to paint yourself like this?"

"I asked Jack to take a picture of me while I..." He clears his throat."Reached my high. just to have the perfect expression."

"I love the details of your hands holding his...i want this one in the gallery."

The couple smiles.

"This one is from before I met Jack." The brunet hands him a small canvas.

Jonah looks at it.

It was blue, with hints of black, a pair of brown eyes with a tired look on them. The word lost was scattered several times randomly across the painting.

Jack eyes run through every inch of it, absolutely amazed.

"Oh wow...i can feel the melancholy from here." Jack mutters.

"This has to be in the exposition..."

Zach smiles softly.

"I made two more...this one is called revelation."

It was a painting of Zach and Jack dancing in their dim living room.

"This is...so gorgeous...the vibes are immaculate."

"Thank you...and this one I called reasons to live."

It was an abstract painting with a carnation, a lion, a planet, an instrument and an eye. the canvas was colored in a pastel rainbow.

"Carnations huh?"

"They are considered a sign of liberty in Portugal, the lion represents Jack, the planet my best friend he loves space, the instrument represents Jack's best friend and the eye my best friend's girlfriend."

"And the rainbow is your sexuality."

"Of course, it's a huge part of me that I can't change."

Jack holds his hand reassuringly.

"Zach I think me and you are gonna make it far in this world."

Zach smiles.

"So...when are you exposing his paintings?"

"Next month. I'd love to have you at the premiere."

"Bold of you to assume I have a life."

The three laugh.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you Zach, I know your paintings will be sold like hot cakes."

"It makes me very happy to know that."

Jack and Zach wait for Liberty to get out of of school.

The girl looks around and smiles widely and she sees the couple.

She immediately runs to them and hugs them.

"Hey hun, how was school?"

"How did it go?"

"We did it! they're being exposed!"

"YAY!" Liberty hugs him tightly.

"I knew you were gonna do it mamma." Zach looks at Jack shocked.

The blond had the same expression.

Zach quickly snaps out of it.

"Thanks honey, I couldn't do it without you and your dad."

"Im so proud." She hugs him again.

Jack finally snaps out of it.

"Lets go home okay? I'm sure you have a lot of homework to do..."


Jack pulls Zach to their room.

"Did she call you mamma?"

"I think so..." He says wide eyed.

"This never happened before...why would she call you mom?"

"I don't know...should we...tell her to not do that or?" Zach asks confused.

"Should we?"

"I don't know man! you're the experienced dad here, not me." Zach paces around.

"Maybe it's just a phase right?" The brunet continues.

"Yeah...maybe...is there anything wrong with her calling you mamma or?" Jack asks.

"Oh there's nothing wrong...I just I don't know, I think it's a little weird since she didn't came out of my non-existent vagina...oh and I don't have one."

Jack tries his best to keep a straight face.

"Then maybe we should tell her-"

"I'm sure I'll get used to it, don't make the girl self conscious this early on." He gives in.

"Dad! Zachy! Are you two kissing in your room?"

"Told ya it was just a phase." Jack mutters.

"Of course we were honey." Zach answers.

"Can you stop so I can come in?"

"Sure sweetie, just come in." Jack smiles warmly.

"What's wrong cutie?"

"It's reading time!"

"Oh yeah!"

"What book did you chose for today?"

"Harry Potter."

"Harry Potter? Like the whole saga?"

"Just the first book for today maybe?"

"What if it was just halfways today, I'll read you a bit more before bed and we'll continue tomorrow?"

"Okay angel, let's go."

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