𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔

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Zach opens the door with the key Jack lended him today.

"Sweeties I'm home!" He announces.

"We're in the kitchen having a snack!" Jack answers.

The brunet sets down what he bought and walks to the kitchen.

"Hey babies." Zach pecks Jack's and Liberty's cheeks.

"Where were you? I missed you." Liberty asks.

"I was at the park for a bit for inspiration and then my favorite shop to buy art stuff, I'm thinking about starting to make the painting."

"Did you draw anything?"

"I did... i came up with a title for it too..."

Zach shows her the sketch.

It was a very tough outline of three people. Two adults and one child.

One adult and the child were sitting  and the other adult was preparing something.

"And I made another one."

It was two adults standing, the shorter one had his head on the taller's chest.

"What are they doing?"

"They are slow dancing."

"Oh! I like it! Can I make one with you?"

"Of course honey...in fact I was thinking about making one for you."


"Of course! I thought about making one for you to hang in your room and another for the exposition...the both about you, obviously."

The girl pouts adorably.

Jack smiles at the sight.

"I was thinking with Lily before you came home...and I know it's wayy to soon but maybe...you could...move in with us? Like...permanently?"


"Yeah...you're paying your apartment and you don't even live there anymore...and you don't have to give us an answer right away, obviously."

Zach looks in between Jack and Liberty.

"Can I...make a phone call real quick?"

"Sure...we'll be here."

Zach nods and walks to the living room. He dials Corbyn's number.


"Corbs can you talk or?"

"I can, what's up?"

"Jack asked me if I want to move in with him."


"Yeah...he said that since I basically live here already I should just actually stay here."

"What if you two break up?"

"I don't know...I just...I feel at home with him...he makes me feel really comfortable..."

"I don't want you to regret this Z...if things go to shit, you have a place at mine."

"Are you saying I should move in?"

"You've been playing safe for too long, take the risk...i can tell you really like him."

"Corbs the other day I fell asleep on his daughter's lap and he carried me to bed- can he be any sweeter?"

"Do the hair test first...then give him the final answer."

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