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Taehyung point of view

I come to jungkook home as i opened the door i saw him standing there with puffy eyes "jungkook-ah are you ok what happened?" i asked him worriedly he doesn't answer instead hug me tightly "what happened" i asked him "tae-ah" he said and raised his hand and show me something

"where did you get this bracelet ftom?" he asked "umm i forget who gives me this but im sure it was given to me as a gift by my friend why?" i said "did you really forgot tae" he said and put it in my wrist and raised his wrist showing me he also have a bracelet on somewhat same

Third person point of view

"you also have one" taehyung asked him a bit confused "you give it to me tae and this bracelet i give it to you tae you are my taelien my one and only friend back then" jungkook said "k-kookie" taehyung said jungkook smile as taehyung remember him "how can you forget your promise tae?" jungkook said

"is that really you kookie im so sorry about forgetting my promise im sorry for leaving you" taehyubg said and hugged jungkook tightly "don't apologize its ok i missed you" jungkook said hugging taehyung back "i miss you too kookie" taehyung said breaking the hug

"i can't believe we don't recognize each other" jungkook said and chuckle "i know right and now by best friend is my boyfriend" taehyung said with a smile jungkook chuckle "i really missed you all this time why did you left tae" jungkook asked "i missed you too and im sorry to leave you like that but my parents want me to continue my further study in states so that's why I have too" taehyung said and hugged jungkook once again for long time

"jungkook-ah i want to tell you something but not here somewhere else" taehyung said "ok I'll go and get ready" jungkook said and taehyung nodded.

After 20 minutes

"wow tae this is so pretty" jungkook said seeing his surrounding "yep it is...glad you like it" taehyung said with a smile "you set this up?" jungkook asked taehyung nodded "aigoo you are still same taelien who's always creative" jungkook said and they both chuckle as jungkook look around while taehyung stand still looking at jungkook

"jungkook-ah i want to tell you something" taehyung said jungkook stop looking around and look at taehyung as he holds jungkook hand "what is it tae" jungkook asked

"i hope you will agree and give me a positive answer i am very happy that you appear in my life you change my and taeggukie life im very thankful that you let taeggukie experience having a complete family im very thankful to you i am very happy that we meet again you completed me so i want you to share your life with me" taehyung said

Jungkook eyes get teary while taehyung knelt down on one knee and pulled out a ring and asked

"jungkook will you marry me?" taehyung said "yes tae" jungkook said happily taehyung was shock and he slowly put on the ring to jungkook finger and stood up to kiss him "thank you jungkookie i promise i won't hurt you and you will not regret your ...

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"jungkook will you marry me?" taehyung said "yes tae" jungkook said happily taehyung was shock and he slowly put on the ring to jungkook finger and stood up to kiss him "thank you jungkookie i promise i won't hurt you and you will not regret your decision i love you" taehyung said "i know tae i love you too" jungkook said with a smile

"by the way tae where is taeggukie?* jungkook asked "she is with jimin and yoongi hyung at their house" taehyung said "so jimin hyung know about it" jungkook asked "yes he help me plan all this" taehyung said jungkook nodded


Only two parts more to go

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