Chapter 3: You Know Where To Find Me

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Hiya peeps! I have rewrote this entire chapter so read the whole thing cause the story totally changes from what I originally had before. I promise this will be better... wtf— just enjoy it XD

~Groff's POV~

Lin... he— he just ditched me. I'm not sure what I did wrong— but whatever I did I feel really bad. I never intended to hurt my love. I aches all over my body to see him like this. He going through a rough time. I mean, he just broke up with his wife last night and still managed to do a 2 hour show. Although I have to say I'm a little confused why he sang "Helpless" to me... I mean, we're close friends but— I'm pretty certain he's straight. Ok actually, I know that for a fact. He was probably just fooling around because of the whole Grofflin thing the fandom has created.

I sat there and thought. I thought about Lin. His sweet smile. His Gorgeous black and silky hair. He was perfect. But god, I'll never be satisfied... at least not without him. Lin's my whole life. I would choose his happiness over mine every time.

"5 minutes till act 2! Five minutes!"

"Thank you 5." I said from my dressing room walking out the room to get to places. I went to the wings, passed by Lin... I tried to wave to him... but he just put his head down and walked faster past me. I frowned. I was sad and angry.

"Why is he treating me like shit? What did I ever do to him??!" I screamed in my head.

I flopped to the ground and started to cry. My arms wrapped around my knees cradling myself. I then saw a figure walk toward me.


~Lin's POV~

I had just snapped at Groffsauce in our dressing room and left him there. God it hurt. I lov— like him... as a friend— or no! I— I don't really know anymore. The same words kept repeating in my head,

"Was Vanessa right? Am I really Hamilton?"

I hate to admit it— but... she might be. God she never deserved this. She's so wonderful. I understand how she feels now. Cause god the way she's helpless around me... I'm like that with Groffsauce.

I heard the five minute call until places. I was nervous. A lot was on my mind, Vanessa, singing "It's Quiet Uptown," Jonathan—

I was walking to the wings and saw him. He waved like nothing had happened. God I just wanted to kiss him. But I just couldn't... I screamed at myself in my head and scoffed past him.

Wait why did I do that?!? Now he's crying! WHAT THE FUCK LIN HES FUCKING CRYING! I wanted to go back to comfort him, but places were called and I had to get to my spot. A single tear came down my face.

This was going to be a rough night.

~3rd person~

Renee was getting to her place and saw Jonathan crying in the wings. She rushed right over to him. She sat down and hugged him since they both didn't have to go on right away.

"Hey, hey... Jonathan... what's the matter...?" She whispered.

"It's n-nothing Renee... r-really..." he said sniffling.

"Honey, your crying... it's obviously not nothing..." she used her thumb to wipe a tear off his cheek. "You can tell me anything..." Renee smiled softly.

"O-ok..." Groff blowed his nose in his sleeve. And wiped his eyes with his hand.

"Ya know if you just wanted a tissue you could have asked...?" Said Jazzy sarcastically next to Renee, holing our a tissue.

"T-thanks..." Groff whispered and took the tissue. Jasmine squatted down next to the two to listen.

"So what's up?" She said.

"It's Lin..." Groff whispered and looked away.

"Oh what did that jackass do to you?!?" Renee immediately became angry.

"No no no! He didn't do anything... well yes he kinda did..." Jonathan answered.

"Well what did he do to make you fucking cry?" Jazzy put her hands on her hips mad at the fact Lin made him cry.

"We were- um... just hugging... and all of a sudden got up and said, 'I can't do this!' And left me. I-I brushed it off and went to my places. He walked by and I waved— but he just put his head down and walked faster avoiding me..." he started to break down again. "I don't know what I did to upset him! You guys know I love him, with all my heart... I wound never want to hurt him!"

"Is there anything else cause I think we're missing part of the story here..." Jazzy said.

Jonathan promised Lin not to tell anyone about V... but he could trust Renee and Jazzy.

"He um... he broke up with Vanessa last night... they're getting a divorce..." he whispered so no one could hear him.

"Oh my!" Jazzy covered her mouth.

"Wow!" Renee did the same.

"But you can't tell anyone!" Groff stared in a serious matter.

"We promise!" They said together.

"But Jonathan, sweetie, he probably just upset about V still... just give him sometime... he'll come around... he always does." Renee put a hand on Groff's shoulder and smiled.

"Who cares about that! LIN IS SINGLE! Jon this is your chance with him! Grofflin might actually happen!" Jazzy squealed.

The three laughed.

"Thanks girls... I-I feel better now..." they did a group hug. Renee and Jazzy went there ways and left Jonathan alone. He got up and smiled.

"I actually have a shot at him..." he thought.

~time skip to "It's Quiet Uptown" brought to you by Jefferson's laugh~

~Lin's POV~

The hardest part of the night was coming up... "It's Quiet Uptown." I told myself over and over I could do it.

The reason I was afraid was, the song explains how Eliza forgives Hamilton for cheating on her. The thing is... Vanessa thinks I was cheating on her... but I know she'll never forgive me... and the worst part about it is... I am in love with the guys she thought I was cheating her on.

My stomach is churning and I feel like I'm gonna throw up. But I have to suck it up. I made it through the first few minutes of the song, but when it got to my part... that when it hit.

"Look at where we are... look at where we've started... I know I do t deserve you Eliza... but hear me out, that would be enough..."

I was ready to full on break down. I took one last look at the audience... and there I saw him...

Jonathan was sitting in the back row. Looking right at me with tears in his eyes. He then gave me a reassuring thumbs up and nodded for me to keep going. I took a breath... and was able to push through. I actually made it. Wow.... Jonathan saved my ass... you know, it's time I make things right.

~Timeskip to after the show brought to you by "uhh... France?"~

~3rd person~

Lin raced to he and Groff's dressing room. He wanted to be there before him. He yanked a piece of paper out of his notepad and scribbled down a message for Groffsauce. It said,

"I want to talk to you—
You know where to find me...

-Linster <3"

He smiled and placed the note on his changing table. Lin quickly changed into a t-shirt, jeans, and a Hamilton hoodie. He slipped on his "A.HAM" hat and his headphones. He grabbed his coffee cup and bag and raced to his destination. Now to wait for Jonathan.

Wow... that took forever... next re-upload will be out soon! Btw I deleted chapters 4 and 5 so it wound confuse anyone.

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