Chapter 21: Nobody Needs To Know...

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Hey peeps! I know you all hate me for last chapter, so I'm gonna make it up with some Groffsauce fLuFf... and the tiniest bit for Lin drama... I hope you all enjoy!!

~Groff's POV~

I was on my beautiful plane ride to California. I was going to be on the Ellen show! It's one of my favorite talk shows, and it's nice to have a fellow gay to talk to.

The plane from New York to LA took about 6 hours. I slept most of the way, watched Avengers: Age of Ultron, (UGH GOOD MOVIE) and listened to myself singing in the Hamilton soundtrack.... ok! Ok! I was mainly listening to Lin. I still after 3 months can't comprehend that he ACTUALLY loves me back, and now I live with him?! It can't be to long until he proposes! Maybe another 4 to 5 months! I believe we can move that fast. I know he's the one— I feel it in my gut. I feel like the the nerd who got the jock to date him.

I turned to my right to look out my window again. I saw the huge HollyWood sign and knew we were getting close to the airport. I started to pack a few things like my book and snacks away. I grabbed my phone and quickly texted Lin knowing he'd be awake now,
Groffsauce❤️: Hey Linster! I'm about to land! I hope your taking it easy, you really need a break— just please... do it for me, that's all I ask. I miss you so much already and can't wait to see your face when I come home!

Love you! ❤️

I smiled with satisfaction and slid my phone in my pocket, changing the soundtrack to Heathers. I placed it on shuffle and the first song that came on was "Candy Store" and I almost screamed with excitement. I get very excited when a song that I really like comes on while I have a playlist on shuffle. It feels like Christmas morning and you walk down stairs at like 5:00 in the morning to see all of the presents. Then you scream—

"OH MY GOD SANTA CAME! SANTA CAME!" And just start aggressively ripping open gifts. Wow, I sound like I'm 7 again....

Right then, one of the flight attendants comes on the intercom to remind us to buckle up since the plane will be landing soon. I take one last look on my phone for a response from Lin. There was one notification. It said,
Linguini❤️: k
That was odd. Just "k?" For a thoughtful text like that he usually responds... differently? I don't know, it just seems kinda rude to put "k" for a text like that... maybe he's just in a bad mood. His work has really taken over his life and the time is still pretty early back in New York. I decided to text the Hamilcast so they can check on him.
Groffsauce: yo guys can I ask 1 of u for a favor?

GayTurtles: yoooo!

FrenchFreak: was upppppp?!

Schuylar#1: hey!

OakTree: Was up homies?

Schuylar#3: Peggy's here!

Washingdad: hey sons!

Linguini: We're not your sons—

Groffsauce: wait Lin? Ur here?

Linguini: y-yeah...?

A.Burr: guys I'm fucking sleeping why are you all spamming me with "heys??"

Schuylar#2: I'm here! What's up?

FrenchFreak: pips weve talked about how grammar works when texting— U DONT USE IT

GayTurtles: So Groff— what do u need us 4?

Groffsauce: oh- um- it's nothing... I resolved it...

A.Burr: SERIOUSLY?? You woke me up for nothing?!

OakTree: yes it's worth somethin Les— seeing you as a grumpy old man!

Schuylar#2: Guys! Be nice!

Schuylar#1: o boy... here we go—


OakTree: U, u grumpy old bitch—

A. Burr: Oh go fuck your self!

OakTree: 🖕

The fighting went from there, and all I could do was smile. I love my friends— family. They really were family. Although, why was Lin texting? The whole situation with Lin seemed a little sus— (LINS THE IMPOSTOR! I SAW HIM VENT!) but I just threw it aside, and prepared to walk the streets of LA. HollyWood, Here I come!

~Lin's POV~

I had woken up. I rubbed my eyes and took in the room around me— wait. Somethings not right.... why are my cloths— HOLY FUCK! I turned next to me to see she was gone. All that was left was a note saying,
I had fun last night! NOW PAY UP PLAYBOY!
The color drained from my face. I started to shake as the activities from last night came rushing back into my memory. I said out loud,

"OOOOO NO O NO O NOOOO!! I AM RUINED! I AM HELPLESS! HOW COULD I DO THIS?!" I paced my room and slapped my hands onto my face. Then the worst realization came to my head—



"Vanessa please, just let me expl-" Lin was almost sobbing at this point.

"I SAID I DON'T WANNA HER IT! I'M DONE LIN! THIS IS IT!" She stomped to their room and started packing. Lin followed her trying to stop her.

"You know you really are Alexander Hamilton! You couldn't stop your self and you published to the world what you did! I'm burning the memories that might have redeemed you!" She shoved everything she could find that was hers. And walked to the front door of their apartment, slid her wedding ring off and handed it to Lin. Tear in her eyes.

"Goodbye Lin-Manuel Miranda... I hope that you burn..." she stormed out the door and slammed it behind her.

~End of flashback~

Oh my fucking god.... I really am Hamilton... and this time it's real. I DID cheat, and I DIDN'T say no, and I DID just ruin my legacy— Jonathan... he is my legacy... but he doesn't know what happened... nobody needs to know. It was my best bet at staying alive. My phone chimed that a text had come through. I didn't even read it and wrote "k" and sent it. I started to cry. I sat on my bed hands to my face just crying.

My legacy is ruined...

O boy....

Well he never gonna be president now! Never gonna be president now!

I hope you— enjoyed...?

Happy Hamil-ween!


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