Chapter 17: Let Me Explain-

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hey hey hey! welcome back! Wow, it's been a while since I updated this... LET'S GET BACK TO WERK! This chapter is mainly Grofflin dealing with Gay Turtles, so basically... really funny. Enjoy!


~Lin's POV~ (oh look POVs are back...)

Groff and I walked into the the Richard Rodgers Theatre prepared for the Ramos that would be there waiting for us.

"You ready?" He squeezed my hand in a comforting way.

"As long as you don't say anything stupid you Groff-ass..." I tried to hold in my laugher at the name.

"PFFT! GROFF-ASS?? That's new..." He shrugged.

"Do you like it?" I asked.


"Good." And inside we went to find an almost angry looking Anthony. Arms crossed, waiting not so patiently for an explanation.

"Well...?" He asked raising a brow.

"Let me explain-" I said before the GROFF-ASS spilled.

"LinandIaretogether." I held his my hand to cover his mouth.

"What he MENT to say-" I gave him a dead glare. "-was that we had a sleepover last night... yeah, and- uh- we were- uh- had to pick up pizza...?" For being an actor I gave my worst fake smile.

Jonathan pulled my hand away from his mouth and said,

"You should see his bed hair it's priceles-" I recovered his mouth again and let out a nervous chuckle.

"Jonathan he really didn't need to know that much..." I angrily muttered out.

"So you two slept with each other...?" Anthony's smirk grew bigger and bigger by the second.

"yes?" I squeaked out... literally squeaked.

"I'd accuse you two of being together.... but I've tried so hard and your excuses are so bad I'm just gonna let go... I've come to the conclusion of you two just being really-- REALLY touchy friends....peace." He gave us the peace symbol and walked away leaving Groff and I's jaws dropped.

"Well that was easier than I expected...." Groff muttered under my hand. I took it away.

"Yeah...yeah it was..." (Little did they know he was still there spying on them...)

"Can I have a kiss now?" Groffsauce pleaded with his adorable puppy eyes. I looked around the room making sure the coast was clear.

"Ok... but make it quick..." Jonathan pulled me in and pinned me to the wall kissing me passionately.

"I said.. quick..." I managed to breathe under kisses.

"Too bad..." He smirked and started to kiss a little more roughly. (YALL DON"T KNOW HOW MUCH I'M CRINGING WRITING THIS)

"AH HA! I KNEW IT!" Anthony popped out from behind the giant plant standing in the lobby, and bot it scared THE HELL out of Groff and I.

"WHAT THE FUCK ANTHONY?!" Grof practically screamed charging toward him. I Quickly caught him and held him back to the best of my ability.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! I KNEW ITTTTTT!!!!" Anthony started dancing around the room.

"Do you promise not to tell another soul what you saw?" I asked seriously.

"No one else was in the room where it happened..." He shrugged.

"Is that a yes?!" A yelled.

"Umm... yes?" His face immediately became straight. (Unlike John Laurens who's as Gay as a turtle...) He turned, ran up stairs, footsteps fading away.

Groff leaned his head on my chest and groaned. I started to pet his hair and comfort him.

"It'll be alright.... the cast is going to find out at sometime..."

"WELL I DIDN'T WANT THEM TO SEE OUR PG-13 MAKE OUT SESSION!" He cried into my chest. This was going to be a long night.


sry this was kinda short-- didn't have a lot of time to write this cause I have a huge History exam tomorrow and I kinda need to study....

remember history has its eyes on you!


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