Chapter 25: When Will You Learn that He Is Your Legacy?

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H-Hi peeps... So um- last chapter was a little crazy... this one is crazier... >:D

Oh wow... so evil. And people *cough* Krissy *cough* don't be going around killing people quite yet. There are still many chapters to come. So without further ado...

Enjoy Chapter 25?


~Lin's POV~

"Well... I got a call from Ron, he's the director for my secret movie... and well... he needs two people for these roles... so he asked me if I knew anyone--"

"Let me guess... you want us to be in your secret Disney movie?" Chris crossed his arms around his chest and raised a brow. Pippa only squealed at knowing the fact she'd be working for Disney.

"Uh- yeah basically!" I shrugged and smiled.

"So what's the movie called?? Who are we going to be playing??" Pippa grabbed my hands and jumped up and down.

"It's an animated film entitled 'Moana'. It's about a girl who's connected to the ocean and has to save her island by returning to the heart of Te Fiti, the creation of all living things. Pippa, you have a little villager part, and Chris you are playing Moana's dad, who is the chief of the tribe."

"AWESOME!" Chris fist pumped in the air.

"It's top secret though!" I put my hands out before they could run off and tell the cast.

"We know!" They exclaimed together.

"So Lin, who are you going to be playing?" Pippa asked, still acting like an over excited child.

"You know, the usual song writer." I shrugged laughing a bit.

"Well, thanks for the news Lin! We can't wait!" Chris shaked my hand as the two went back to their rehearsal. I smiled at how happy they were.

I cheerfully walked by to my apartment. I thought about how my work wasn't all that bad. Jonathan was right, I should take a break. In fact, I'll make him dinner tonight! I'm sure he'll love it! I smirked at the thought of it as I pressed the button for the elevator up to our apartment. I unlocked the front door and was greeted by a heavy punch to my face causing me to fall over.

"THE HELL-- Zirena..?"

~Groff's POV~

I laid on the floor sobbing for ten minutes. TEN MINUTES. I then realized I had left the stove on. Yeah Lin's a jerk, but I wasn't that evil to burn down his apartment. I reached up for the knob and turned it off. I laid back down and curled up into a tiny ball, hoping that I'd just die right there.

There was a sound of the front door opening and slamming shut. Footsteps frantically wandering around the apartment.

"Jonathan?! Groffsauce where are you?!" Zirena screamed.

"Z-Z-Zirena...?" I choked out.

She turned her head hearing the noise from the other side of the kitchen island. She dashed over to my side and held me close. She rocked me back and forth as her fingers ran through my hair attempting to comfort me.

"Shhhh... it's ok... I got you... where's Lin??" She was concerned about me. I took her hand and brought her over to Lin and I's bedroom. I picked up the feather like paper off the ground. So innocent... but deadly at the same time. I hesitated a bit as I handed it to her. I looked away trying to hold back my river of tears. Her eyes widened with disgust.

"THAT SON OF A BITCH--" She chucked the letter across the room as I started to sob again. She held me as I cried onto her shirt. "Where is he? I need to make him pay for what he did..." She cracked her knuckles.

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