Chapter 23: Happy Hamil-ween! (Part 2)

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Hello! Hello! Hello! Welcome back to the Ham4Ham show! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter! I know it wasn't quite Halloween...ish... but this one will be! (Geez Amy Halloween was like a 2 weeks ur late... pFFFT-- I put up my Christmas tree 2 days ago... better late than ever..) I'm typing this during English class cause I don't want to write about my dead dog and start crying in front of everyone for no reason.... Yea... And @Endlessly_Creative13, ur husband will play a huge role in this chapter. I hope you're happy now lmao. Alright! Enough of me and more of our favorite ship! Enjoy!

~Daveed's POV~

I cannot believe what had just come out of Lin's mouth. Why would he do that? I get it, he's tired, but seriously?! To have an affair with some random woman off the streets behind his soulmates back?! That's just cold man... that's cold... I should be mad at him but I hate seeing him cry. I told him to go take a shower cause he probably hasn't in the last 3 days and so he can cool off a bit. I wandered his room in search of his costume for the party. The thing is, He wasn't wearing what he originally had planned to the party... I was going to swap it with the costume Groff told me to give him for the surprise. Jonathan had the idea of them being Mike and Sulley together from Monsters inc. It was the best couples costume!

I pulled out the fluffy blue onesie from my bag and laid it out on his bed. I felt guilty doing this. I mean, It would be cute and all if it weren't for Lin cheating behind Groff's back. Jon needed to know... but I promised Lin I wouldn't tell. I'm one too keep a promise, but Lin won't be able to hide this forever.

~ts to Daveed and Lin driving to the theatre brought to you by me being a lazy ass author~

"I'm still confused. Why am I wearing this again?" Lin questioned being the clueless cinnamon roll he is.

"Lin, have you ever heard of the word 'surprise?'" I looked over at him raising a brow.

"But I wanted to wear my unicorn costumeeeee!" He winced as he tugged at my shoulder. I gave him that look again.

"A unicorn...? Really...?" I chuckled, bringing my eyes back on the road.

"Yeah a unicorn!! .... Groff thought it was cute...." He lowered his head in blushing in embarrassment.

I pulled up to the Richard Rodgers and told Lin to stay in the car until I tell him he can get out of it.

I peaked through the door to give everyone the signal for the plan to begin. I walked back out to the car and whipped open the door to reveal Lin in his blue and purple poka dot sully onesie.

"You ready?" I asked reaching my hand out for him to grasp.

"I can go back home and work?" He gave me the puppy eyes. NOT THE LIN-MANUEL PUPPY EYES. I took a breath and stayed strong.


Lin rolled his eyes and sighed.


I grabbed his arm and (literally) dragged him into that theatre.

He. Did. Not. Want. To. Go.

I opened the doors to reveal the theatre decorated with cute little Halloween decorations. Lin's face immediately lit up. But I could tell he could tell something was up...

~Lin's POV~

I wanted to be a unicorn. But the southern mother fucking Democratic-Republican wanted it his way.

Daveed opened the doors to the musty old theatre to reveal these adorable little Halloween decorations scattered all over the lobby and house. I walked inside with awe, taking in the orange and black colors.

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