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“What nonsense!” Amanda yelled. She was linked to the meeting which Kate held at the agency. And whatever they were saying to her made her want to break the laptop in front of her

Seated round the glass oval table in a spacious white painted office was her manager, her legal adviser, Troy and his manager. And Amanda had to attend the meeting using her laptop.

“What do you have to prove sending all those reporters, huh tell me?” She yelled again, directing her questions to Troy who sat quietly, leaving his manager do all the talking.

“All we are saying is that you should apologize publicly for hurting Troy in public.” Troy's manager requested.

“Why should I do that? He is lucky I didn’t aim at his handsome face.” She snapped.

“Amanda!” Kate called, hoping to help keep Amanda's temper under control. And all attempt failed when Troy said the wrong words.

“You are a crazy bitch, you know that?” Troy finally spoke out, pissing Amanda off badly.

“And you are a wild dog. The kind that can never live with humans like me, do you have any idea of how disgusted I feel talking to you?” she asked rhetorically, lifting both her hands above her ears.

“Somebody should shut this ungrateful black ass up.” He yelled,  looking at his manager and pointing at the screen.

“Me, ungrateful what did you do for me except break my heart? Is that what I should be grateful for? You are the one who need to apologize to me, for wasting my precious years with a confused gender type guy like you. Go back to your boyfriend and stop trying to make my life as sorry as yours.” She said angrily and then cut off the connection. To be fair, Amanda never had anything against any one in the LGBTQ community, she believed anyone had the right to fall in love with whoever they thought was good enough for them and will love them unconditionally. Even if Troy was bi or straight, it wouldn't have mattered to her. She just wanted to be loved unconditionally too. But, he broke her instead.

Amanda stormed out of her house and stood at her pouch, furiously. Then, a few seconds later, her phone rang and it was Kate calling. She took the call after a little hesitation and said. “Hey Kate.”

“Amanda, you shouldn’t have spoken that way. You were too harsh.” She heard Kate say.

“I’m sorry but he gets me so upset.” Amanda protested.

“He saw it coming.”

“Are they gone?” Amanda asked.

“Yes and guess what I've gathered? Troy is losing fans now after it was out that he’s gay some of his other fans accused I'm for feeling ashamed of embracing is true nature. That’s why he was attacking you hard. My source also told me that he started dating you because you were more famous than he but he figured you were unaware of that fact so he came close and made you think that your shine was because of him.” Kate informed.

“Really!” what his fan thought of him was never her business, people must talk. But being more famous than he was shocking to Amanda. She never thought she was and for that she grew dependent on Troy for a long time.

“Yes. And you said you weren’t famous. Your fan page is filled with positive comment now and the numbers are increasing. Your break was really a good thing.” Kate admitted.

“Thank you for standing by me Kate and also for this new information. At least my day is no longer ruined by Troy Humphrey, the jerk.” Amanda said smiling.

“Just take care of yourself, alright?”

“I will thanks.” Amanda said and then, ended the call.

A very short chapter,  I know

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A very short chapter,  I know.  But I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for your previous votes and comments.  I hope you also vote and comment an this chapter too. 
More adventures for Amanda. Keep reading. 
Luv u.



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