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Sitting on a chair, Faced up with both legs on the long table in front of them, were two men on NYPD uniform, sleeping lazily and of course, paid no attention to the beeping sound coming from the computer in between their stretched out legs accompanied by two pack of pizza with two can of beer on both side of the table.

The officer on the left tried to get comfortable on the chair he rested his weight on but he accidentally hit his hand very hard on the metal shelve that stood beside him.

“Ouch!” He jerked up, yelling painfully and waking up his partner in the process.

“What, what?” The other officer staggered for some seconds before getting his self steady.

“How embarrassing.” The first officer sniggered, shaking his head slightly.

“I can’t remember the last time I had a good sleep." The second said mid yawning.

“Don’t complain. We should be glad no one saw us, especially detective Roy.” The first advised.

Giving a relived sigh, “Thank God, my hands are still sore from the last washing of the entire toilet in the precinct.” The second officer whined, stretching out his both hands.

“Yeah, I can’t do that again. Dude!” the first officer tapped his partner, commanding his attention “Take a look!” He pointed at the flashing red light on the computer screen.

“Go get Detective Debby and detective Roy here, now!” the second officer ordered.

“Right away.” the first replied, sprinting out of the room.


Wright Junior paced to and fro outside his room he forfeited for Amanda, contemplating whether to knock on the door or not. Finally making up his mind “I’m not sure she’s awake yet.” He thought aloud.

He rested his hand on the wall and stared at the door for a while before walking away.

He was already dressed and ready for his morning run. He stood outside of his house and observed something very strange.

“Did I forget to lock my car?” He wondered as he walked to the driver side, staring confusedly at the open door.

“What the hell?” Junior voiced In surprise. He bent over and picked up his car key on the floor “This is my car key and what is Amanda’s shoe doing here?” He knew immediately that his car wasn’t in the same state as he left it neither had he witnessed Amanda take off her shoe the previous night “Was I robbed?” He picked up Amanda’s silver heels and went into the house.

Without thinking, he knocked on the room door and when he got no reply, he gently opened the door, peeping through to see if she was still in bed.

The bed was empty and the sheet was a bit rumpled like it wasn't fully slept on. He stepped into the room and called out her name but no response. The bathroom door was open so he moved to the bathroom calling out her name, no response too. He checked inside, she wasn’t in.

“Where would she have gone?” His head was ruminating over different possibilities. Walking back into the room, his eyes fell on the bed. He took the pictures and the ticket that was on the bed then found Amanda’s note under. He read the note and when he was done, he allowed his head calculate what must have transpired base on what he had read on the note.

“If she was to use my car, why is it still in the drive way? And why was the key and her shoe on the floor close to it with the door opened?” Something within him knew something had gone terribly wrong.

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket; he dipped his hand in and took it out. It was Nelson calling.

“You called at the right time, I was about—" Wright Junior started but was interrupted.

“Junior, you need to head down the precinct this minute. Something has gone frightfully out of turn.” Nelson told him and ended the call.

Without thinking or wasting any time, Wright Junior kept the note in his pocket and checked his hands if he still held the key to his car. He rushed out of the house, into his car and off he drove.


Amanda woke up with a severe headache, she tried to move but couldn’t “What happened?” She wondered to herself. Amanda tried to remember the last thing that happened to her but the headache gave her no chance.

“Arrrrrrrhhhhhh!” She groaned in pain. Her hands were strapped to the back of the chair where she sat and her legs too.  She struggled to get herself loose but failed. Amanda looked around the room and all she could see was a standing fan and one light bulb which illuminated the room very faintly.

The room smelled old, like and abandoned shelter and dusty which made it difficult or Amanda to inhale deeply “Where am i?” Amanda asked scared; she struggled once more and failed “Can anyone here me? Hhheeelllppp!” She cried out.

She could feel her heart pounding hard and the metallic sound of the standing fan made it even worst. She cried out again straining her voice to reach the heavens but it echoed back into her ears.

Amanda couldn't think straight,  doom was near and she could feel it.  How did her blissful vacation turn quickly into a horror movie? Even right now,  the answer did nothing but suffocate her.

She struggled again and again before finally realizing it was stupid to try another struggle. Amanda had known she would die one day. She had imagined it to be peaceful but this was not peaceful. Her thought traveled to what must have landed her in her present predicament  but was pulled back by an echoing voice that finally wasn't hers.

“No one can hear you from down here.” Amanda heard an hoarse voice say from behind her.

“Who’s there? What do you want from me?” She asked in an impaired voice, breaking down in tears.

What is going on? Amanda's fate is being decided Her life is being gambled onCould she survive?

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What is going on?
Amanda's fate is being decided
Her life is being gambled on
Could she survive?

Find out in the next chapter.

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