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A/N: This is the third book of the series, I hope you guys enjoy!

Eren's POV

10 months, 10 long gruesome months. For the past 10 months a lot of things happened, both good and bad things. Aid aka Malvik was able to forgive Recon and they both got married and got a child named Conor Tront. Ghost and the others were a bit against it but with Ghost's approval they got it. Kit and Javelin also got married and have a daughter name Ellie. Armin and Kristen also got married and they have a son name Alfred. Everyone was getting married here and there to increase the human population. Oh and Connie and Sasha marry and have a son name Calvin. Marco found a girl name Christina and they have a daughter name Mina. Everyone on Ghost team finds someone and have kids so now all of us have families to worry about too. And there it is, the only good things that ever happened was everyone getting married.

For the past 10 months we learned that the organization we thought Ghost took down was back. They were called Titan Mutation Organization, the TMO. They even had their own private military made up with mutants and humans like us. I always wondered why humans wanted to see human extinction. ODM gears were also brought back, and most of the Eldian soldiers who have experienced ODM gear use it now. We gave it extra modifications, giving us the option to use guns on ODM gear. (The new ODM gear looks like the ones they use in the attack on Marley in the manga but a bit more modern.) I've been on a lot of operations and I had to shift into a titan a lot to save remaining survivors all over the world.

It's been really hard for all of us, we were able to balance our food supply with our survivors. But the problem was that there were barely any survivors. Over the past 10 months we gathered up 2,000 survivors all over the world. Our island went from a great nation to a refugee place. We didn't even have enough shelter to provide for the refugees so we built a bunch of warehouses for all them to sleep in. Out of the 2,000 survivors only 1/100 had their family with them the rest were torn apart alone. Most of the survivors were young children and middle aged people. Not that many old and disabled people.

Our most recent operation fucked up and we lost 20 men out of 25 who were sent there. Most of us were dreaded in fighting. Well most of the Eldians but not Sentinel. They haven't lost a single man over the past 10 months and came back with all the survivors in one go. Recon and Aid had a lot of operations together, mostly taking out hidden bases of the TMO. We've tried bringing them back so they always kill themselves, even if they were brought here they did something to themselves and they just die. Recon's regiment was also working hard to help us and they were actually doing a lot of things well.

Sentinel takes security measures very tightly, every ship or aircraft that is filled with survivors are always checked one by one just to make sure that none of the survivors are actually TMO members. We captured a couple of them dressed up as a survivor, we even caught some Russian soldiers who were TMO undercover.

We've had a couple times where TMO tried firing a missile at us but we had a Sentinel satellite covering for us and we were able to take the missile out. Other times they tried sneaking through our fleets but were always caught. I don't understand why a human being would want this.

Ghost team 117 are barely home because they move around the world gathering survivors. Recon and Malvik have their own unit made up of mutants we saved 10 months ago in the factory. They were called the Bounty Hunters and it consisted of 100 mutants all under Recon's command. They've been focusing on tracking down whoever the new leader of TMO is but they've got nowhere.

The other shifters in the Warrior program Zeke, Pieck and Porco all came to Eldia to seek shelter and they joined the Scout team 104 but Levi still doesn't like Zeke that much. Apparently they also lived with a few kids named Gabi Braun Reiner's cousin, Falco Grice, Colt Grice older brother of Falco, Zofia who looked kind of like Annie, and Udo who looked like the nerdy version of Bertholdt. They were all future candidates to inherit the Armored Titan but we don't know, we might just find a way to do something more interesting. I hope we're able to do everything we can to survive before everything is lost.

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