
9 0 0

3 hours later

Eren's POV

"I thought we killed him." said Aid

The face of Ares was on the screen with Ghost team and Scout team sitting down.

"Ares, he was a Russian spec ops called Kora. We destroyed Kora with Ares but I didn't think he would be alive." said Recon

"If I survived the blast, that means he must have survived too." said Aid

"What's your relationship with Ares?" asked Erwin

"Enemies, he's the only one capable of taking Ghost down. It took us a while to take him down but it was all in vain." said Recon, "If Ares is alive, they might bring Kora back."

"Going head on with him is dumb, he can outsmart us, outnumber us, outgun us. So for now, we're going to have to scan the fortress ourselves." said Aid

"How are we going to do that? They can shoot anything down. We'll lose countless men." said Erwin

"We won't be using any man power, we'll use drones." replied Recon

"Wait ma'am going back to Ares, exactly how dangerous is he?" I asked

"He's worse than Recon, that's the best explanation I have." replied Phantom

Everyone shuddered in their seats making Recon glare at Phantom.

"Am I wrong?" she asked

"Kind of." she replied

"Ma'am then what's Kora?" asked Armin

"Kora is a Russian spec ops, formed to go against Sentinel. They followed our protocols, used our training techniques, used our type of technology and they also used our type weaponry, drills, and other shit." replied Recon

"I've met Ares, he's very loud and annoying." said Ghost's mom

Ghost came in as he was putting on his gloves. He still looked a bit dull so none of us decided to talk to him for a while.

"Anyways, if Ares is alive we might be in bigger trouble." said Recon

That's when someone knocked on our door and a Sentinel came in.

"The reports you wanted sir." said the Sentinel

He handed a folder to Ghost and he looked at the screen and he seemed to recognize him.

"Hey, I know that man." said the Sentinel, "He was one of the survivors we picked up a week ago."

The entire room turned and looked at him and Recon suddenly approached him.

"Which district?" she snapped

"Huh oh I don't know, my squad was immediately reassigned to a different district so I didn't have time to know where those batch of survivors went." he replied

"How many survivors are there?" asked Recon

"Barely, I believe 6 people." he replied

"Marksman, Erwin, have every single district scanned through. We need to kill him now." said Recon

The Sentinel looked confused but Ghost signaled him to leave and he did.

"I need every civilian searched, do not leave a single one out." said Marksman

Ghost left the room and Phantom went after him. His parents nodded to each other and they left as well.

"Is he going after him?" I asked

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