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Eren's POV

"Our final hours are coming." I said

Zeke nodded and sighed.

"To be honest, Eldia will still be in danger after all this." he replied

"We'll figure that out later, right now we learn about other things." I said

I get up to leave but Zeke chuckles.

"This country will be vulnerable for another war." he said

I glance back at him and quickly leave.


Annie walked up to me and looked a bit stressed.

"Everyone is gathering, we're discussing our final plans." said Annie

We all went towards the main briefing room which is the queen's royal chamber where most of the higher ups gather with the queen.

We enter the room and Historia is sitting on the throne with Reiner standing next to her. Most of the seats were taken by Sentinel, Spetsnaz, Eldian and Bounty Hunter officers so I took a seat in the Eldian section.

"Everyone listen up." said Commander Recon

Everyone became quiet and gave their attention to Recon.

"Our time has come, tomorrow we strike." said Recon

"Tomorrow? Already?" I asked

The room broke out into chatter.

"Silence!" yelled Recon

Everyone jerked a bit from Recon's warning causing us all to shut up.

"We deliberately know the set up of the fortress but this is going to sound crazy and suicidal." said Recon, "Lieutenant Colonel Ghost will brief you."

"We got word that TMO may be launching their final and perfected titan gas into the atmosphere. And what we've learned is that their perfected gas contains both Annie and Eren's spinal fluid which allowed them to spread the gas into the atmosphere." said Ghost, "Which means, once they launch it, we all turn into titans."

The huge tv screen turns on and it shows us the pillar.

"The Pillar is the objective, we take it, we can cure the entire world with this."

Ghost pulls out a big tube filled with blue liquid from his pocket.

"This is the cure, once we launch it the entire region will be cured, not the entire world. So once it's a go for this, we'll start spreading it." said Ghost

The screen turns off and Ghost turns on a huge hologram table showing the whole layout of the fortress.

"Our only problem is getting close enough to the fortress." said Ghost

"Wait you don't have a plan?" asked Levi

"We wanted drones to weaken the walls, creating a hole that'll allow us to enter." said Ghost

"But air support can't get close, our reports tell us that the last drone attack barely scratched the fortress." said Echo

"We have to try we can't just give up." said Ghost

I felt uneasy about that but then Commander Erwin stood up.

"I have a plan." he said

We all look at him and he takes a deep breath.

"I'll lead a group of bombers." said Erwin

"What?" questioned Levi

"And how are you going to do that?" asked Ghost

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