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Eren's POV

"We're pinned down!" I yelled

"We have to push through!" yelled Jean

I leaned out of cover and shot a TMO but there was too many TMOs on the other side of the hall.

"Eren your shoulder launcher." said Armin

"Connie, cover me!" I yelled

Connie brought a riot shield and stood in front of me, protecting the bullets from hitting us so I activated my shoulder launcher and shot one missile and it went soaring through the air and exploded. The explosion pushed Connie back a bit but he was able to resist and still stand on his feet.

"Keep moving." I said

But then an elevator door opened so I was about to enter but Armin stopped me.

"Wait it might be a trap." he said

Before I could respond, bullets starting going through the ceiling so we backed up, then the elevator exploded and it fell down the floor.

"We have to go up though." said Jean

I shot my grappling hook from my wrist up with Jean and we swung upwards towards the floor where the doors were open and there were three TMO operators who looked shocked when they saw us. Jean and I shot them killing the three of them and we got on the floor and secured it but then three TMO mutants ran to us so I flipped one over my shoulder and dodged a swing and shot the mutant's nape. Jean threw one TMO mutant out of the elevator and he screamed as he fell down the hole as I kicked the last one out as well.

My team swung up and we began to move down the hallway but we got to this door that said technology so I kicked it open and inside looked like an assembly room with a bunch of machines making something.

"The replacement!" called out Sasha

She picked up the replacement and tossed it to Armin as he caught it and examined it.

"This is it!" exclaimed Armin

But then I heard distant explosions and the entire facility shook.

"They're trying to bury us alive!" yelled a voice through my headset

"They rigged the entire mountain." said Jean

"What the hell are we supposed to do?" asked Sasha

"They must have a team rigging this place up right now or some kind of detonator." said Armin, "If we could find it then we could probably prevent it from bringing the entire mountain on us."

"But who would have it?" asked Sasha

"Probably the boss around here." replied Armin

"Timothy." I said

"Has anyone seen Timothy Anderson?" said Armin through the headset

"This is Phantom, Ghost is fighting him right now." replied Phantom

"Ma'am, we think that he has the detonator. If he blows up the entire mountain then we're all doomed." said Armin, "We also found the replacement."

"Armin this Bomber, do not destroy the detonator." he said

"What why?" asked Armin

"We're going to destroy this entire place once we take it over." he replied

"Why are you telling us this?" asked Armin

"Cause we don't know how many clones of Timothy there are." he replied

"Copy that, moving out." Armin replied

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