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Eren's POV

2 days later

"Today's the day." I excitedly said

"It is, but sadly we can't watch." said Armin

"I think the commanders have something for us." said Annie

She sat next to me and leaned her back against my shoulder.

"We have two options, either listen to the talk show on the radio." said Annie

Annie then paused for a while making us confused a bit.

"Or?" I asked

"Kit and Aid are doing a duet." said Annie

"Duet." we all said at the same time

Annie looked at me and smiled.

"As I expected." she said

"What songs are they singing?" I asked

"Their so called specialty." said Annie

"How do you know?" I asked

"I was talking to Kit and Aid who were setting up a piano." said Annie

"They know how to play a piano. Definitely the duet." said Sasha as she ate her potato.

"Sasha stop eating potatoes, they're high in calories." said Mikasa as she tried to snatch the potato.

Sasha nearly bit Mikasa's hand and backed up protecting her potato.

"Colonel's on a mission with his parents, they should be back soon." said Eren

"They should be, he can't miss the duet." I said

Ghost's POV

My mom flipped in the air and beheaded the last TMO mutant and stabbed his nape. I picked up my new rifle Hacker made and shot an injured TMO operator, blowing up its head.

"Nothing, I got nothing sir." said Hacker

"Tech?" I asked

"Nothing here either. It doesn't say when they're going to launch the pillar." said Tech

"There's nothing about how to make the pillar either." said Hacker

"The pillar is a sophisticated piece of technology, if we can't get it then we might be in the same position but if we are able to get our hands on another Pillar it'll help us." said Tech

I kicked my sword up from the ground and caught it, I swung the sword so the blood could come off, then I put the blade on my pronator teres which is the middle part of your arm, squeezed the blade and cleaned the blood off.

"There's a camp a few meters out from here, they probably already know that something's wrong. We strike right now." I said

Ghost team nodded and I sheath my sword.

"Ghost team will block every entrance, Captain take out their power generator so that they can't communicate at all. The rest, we go through the front entrance." I said

Everyone dispersed and Phantom, Recon, Aid and my parents stood there looking at me.

"Let's go." I said

We began to approach the camp that looked like it was just built with TMO mutants outside minding their business.

One mutant looked up and gasped as they saw us approaching. The mutant quickly blew on a whistle and every TMO mutant began to pour out of the camp towards the front entrance.

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