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Eren's POV

Ghost slowly turned around and looked at the two other infiltrators who woke up and saw the entire thing. Both of them were shivering from it and Ghost slowly made his way towards and pulled out his knife from his shoulder and spun it in his hand.

"Sir calm down." said an MP officer

But Ghost doesn't listen, he continues to approach the two infiltrators.

"Sir this is your last warning! Stand down or we will take you down with force!" yelled the MP officer

"Ghost stop!" yelled Phantom

Ghost team didn't know what to do, Marksman looked around and none of them wanted to stop him. Even Ghost's parents looked scared to their souls that they backed away from him.

That's when the MP officer shot his taser gun at Ghost, hitting his vest. Ghost flinched but he grabbed the wires and pulled the gun out of his hand.

"Put him down!" yelled the officer

But Ghost team stopped the officer, telling them to stop and everything became chaotic. Ghost was just about to stab the first infiltrator but then there was an explosion and a hand grabbed Ghost away. Annie was in her titan form and she pulled him in and Recon jumped up and knocked Ghost unconscious.

The MPs were arguing with Ghost team and Scout team but once they saw that he was knocked unconscious they stopped arguing and just took the infiltrators under their custody. Annie set Ghost down and everyone was still terrified from the scene. Civilians were also scared as they slowly crept out from their hiding spots.

Aid and Marksman picked up Ghost but he was awake and he shook them off. He took off his ripped glove revealing a deep gash in his left hand. But I saw his scar on his wrists as he pulled up his sleeve to wrap some bandages. His parents also saw them and they went after him while Phantom was trying to stop Malvik from crying.

"Never say a word about this." said Levi, "I would have done the same."

The others were trying to calm down the civilians and tell them to never tell others. I didn't know what to do so I just got up and looked at the body without a head.

"Clean that up." said Hange

I didn't want to but Annie grabbed the body and dropped it into a garbage can and came out of her titan form.

"It's my first seeing him like that." said Annie

"I hope it's my last." I said

Annie nodded in agreement and Phantom put Malvik somewhere safe and ran after Ghost.

Phantom's POV

I ran after Ghost who was walking away while his parents were talking to him.

"Ajax stop!" yelled my mother in law

He stopped and looked at her.

"The scar on your wrist, there's multiple scars!" she said

Ghost doesn't reply but looks away. I quickly stopped them and tried leading them somewhere else but both of his parents were worried.

"It's something I did a long time ago." he replied

"Ajax, this scar looks fresh." said my dad

I didn't know what to say, they both knew that he was suffering but didn't know how to help.

"I know how to fix this problem."

I turned around and Recon was walking up with Aid.

"Ghost, let's spar." said Recon

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