Do I Take The Chance

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As dinner came to an end, Elliot headed up to his room, hopping I to the shower, rinsing off the day. He let all of the words and pain slip off of his skin, draining away. As he hopped out, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. No amount of washing could change how he looked, the dark circles under his eyes, the large swollen bruises that covers his arms and chest. He looked horrible.

After another moment he turned away and got dressed, slipping into the bed. When he laid down it took him a moment to get comfortable as he sat on top of his bruises. The sandy haired boy closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep and within hours he did so.

"Elliot honey... Baby boy it's time to get up." Ms. Stark called from his door way, slowly walking in to sit on his bed, rubbing his shoulder.

He looked up slowly. "It's Saturday..." He whined.

Even laughed softly. "I know baby but I gotta go to work so you need to get up. Maybe paint? Or practice your lines. The show is in just two weeks and you need to get down that monologue sweetie."

Elliot groaned, putting a pillow over his head.

Raising a brow, Eve pulled the pillow away and kissed his nose. "Get up. Let's go. Up, up, up!" She chimed, pulling him to his feet and down the stairs, putting a cup of coffee in his hands.

He smiled in his sleepy fog. "Thanks mom.." He whispered and kissed her cheek as she ran off to work.

His day was pretty unproductive, filled with binge watching Netflix and scrolling through Tumblr. As his day went on, he relaxed and let himself heal until he felt a vibration in his pocket. He pulled out his phone to see a text from and unknown number.

From- (570) 555-0987
Hey! What's up?! I was wondering if you want to come to a party tonight!?

He read the text over a few times, completely confused.

Sent- unknown number
Umm.. Who is this?
He waited a few moment and just as he was about to set down his phone,

From- (570) 555-0987
Oh! It's Nathan! Sorry, you left your number in your car so I stole it. Anyway, there is a party and Felicity Maden's house tonight! You wanna go?

Right. Nathan. Great.

Sent- Nathan
A party? Me? Are you sure you didn't hit your head in the accident last night? I'm pretty sure you don't want to party with me unless you want some queer hanging around, sulking.

From- Nathan
Oh come on! Look I don't even know your name but I want to. Just come over! Beer, weed! Hot chicks! It's my way of saying i'm sorry.

Sent- Nathan
Chicks? Did you not read what I said? Nothing about your party sounds appealing and besides, there is nothing to apologize for. So now if you'll excuse me, I have another season of Breaking Bad to watch.

From- Nathan
Fine man... But if you change your mind shoot me a text and I'll pick you up!

Elliot rolled his eyes and shoved his phone away. A high school party? Me!? Who the hell thinks that's a good idea!?

He pushed the thoughts from his mind and lounged about again. An hour later his mother came home and he was just itching to tell her. "I got invited to a party tonight!" He blurted, looking up at her surprised expression.

"You did?" She asked quickly, a bright smile pulling on her lips.

"Y-yeah... Yeah I did.." He whispred.

Eve ran to her son and smiled, pushing him towards the steps. "Go! Go! Go get ready!"

Elliot was shocked be the swift motion. "Woah! Mom chill out! Hey! I don't even know if I want to go!" But he did. He wanted to go more then anything. He wanted to feel accepted by his peers and just live like a normal teenager instead of the walking- talking punching bag he already was.

Eve stepped back and glared at him. "You're going. You got invited so you're going." She muttered and shoved him up the steps. She wasn't trying to be pushy (no pun intended) but she wanted her little- not so little boy to finish high school having the same experiences she had, and parties were one of them.

He knew his mother couldn't see, but and excited smile broke his plain exterior and sent him bounding into his room to get changed. He showered again and shaved, running into his closet to pull out his maroon Vans, ripped skinny jeans, and his cut off tank top that split low enough on both sides to show off his dragon tattoo.

When he was all dressed, he looked himself over, smiling slightly before frowning. He snuck into his mother's room and started to rummage about.

"What are you doing?"

Shit. Elliot turned to see his mother standing in the door way of her bathroom. "I was uh... Um...." He sighed and sat back, holding up her bottle of concealer.

His mother's suspicious look faded into a sad smile. As she held her hand out and helped him to sit on the toilet seat. She grabbed her brushes and a few other products and started to cover up the large bruises.

Elliot let his mother work, looking up at her through his lashes. "You're the best kind of mom you know that?"

She laughed softly and met his gaze. "That's only because I have the best son in the world." After a little bit she pulled back. "There. All covered." She said brightly.

"Thanks mom."

"Of course sweetie..." She kissed his forehead and walked him out.

When his mother had gone back down stairs, he pulled on his beanie and jacket, grabbing his phone.

Sent- Nathan
Okay. Fine. I'll go. My address is 746 Fox Hallow drive.

A moment later his phone went off.

From- Nathan
Awesome man! Be there soon!

When he put his phone down, his mind began to race. Who's gonna be there? Where is this party? I'm going to a party! With a quick sigh, he landed back on his bed, closing his eyes.

Tonight would be amazing.

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