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5:30 𝒑.𝒎
𝑼𝒏𝒊𝒒𝒖𝒆 𝑪𝒓𝒊𝒃

Ayanna walked downstairs to the living room laying on Tia who was eating a bag of chips it was raining in LA and the girls were stuck in the house with nothing to do, The boys decided to get their own place leaving August to be the only boy in the house. He didn't care tho he wanted to be with his girl fuck them niggas.

"girl you been in that room all day, what you been doing?" Tia asked.

"on the phone with some new clients, they live down here and want me to do their hair." Yanna said with a smile on her face she was happy her business was going up by the day she felt she was one step closer to opening her hair salon up.

"that's good girl soon you'll be doing Beyoncé and Rihanna hair." Tia said with a smile she was gone support Ayanna to the fullest.

Ayanna let out a small chuckle "I don't think i'll be that big but a girl can dream, where is Tay Tay and Unique?"

"I have no idea I think they went to the rooftop, I think Unique still want to get with Tay Tay" Tia said while getting up throwing away her chips before sitting back down next to Yanna.

"I mean if she do then it's a mistake since she isn't going to leave Tysheem alone anytime soon." Ayanna said truthfully

Unique and Tay Tay indeed did have something going on in the past when Unique was still living in New York, Tay Tay broke up with Tysheem when she seen him with another girl at the mall, she was at her breaking point in their relationship at least that's what everyone one thought, she went to go vent to Unqiue about it since that was someone she could share her thoughts with. Nobody understood the reason behind Tay Tay staying with him, it wasn't love anymore it was like she needed him so she could feel like she was alive again. Unique and her always a had a thing for each other it started off just being playful, but Unique caught feelings for Tay Tay.

she knew Tay Tay wasn't going to leave Tysheem so she bottled her feelings up and moved on for the better. She always thought what it would feel like being with the person who got your heart she just hope it wasn't what she seen between Tysheem and Tay Tay.

"that's why I be on her ass all the time Tysheem isn't no good for her, he don't do nothing but treat her like shit and she run back to him." Tia said getting all mad again.

Ayanna didn't have the energy to speak on the relationship she knew Tay Tay needed to leave she just chooses not to and that's her fault on her part, Ayanna had other things to worry about like stacking her money up for the better with or without Toosii.

"but did you see the way that girl was all up on Toosii the other day? I never asked how y'all talk went?" Tia asked

"Ion to much really want to speak up on it, I don't know why he was even letting that girl touch him in the first place. That friendly shit I don't do well with." Ayanna said

Ayanna didn't know how to feel about the situation she was upset but she was also numb to the pain, since she been through it before. She knows the lifestyle that Toosii has and had to accept it for what it was but it needed to be lines where he didn't cross and also his fans, call it whatever but Ayanna wasn't going for it.

While Ayanna and Tia was downstairs sharing their problems to each other, Unique and Tay Tay sat up at the rooftop watching the rain pour down quietly, this was a place Unique set up when she feels like she needs to get away from reality she only shared with  Tay Tay cause she see how she was hurting.

"me and Tysheem been together for the longest, a lot of people don't understand our relationship or why we keep going back to each other, but it isn't for no one to understand." Tay Tay said while wiping a tear that dropped.

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