Welcome to Bright-Moon

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Clapping her hands together loudly, Adora motioned for her team to join her on the mat.

"Game faces on," she tightened her pony tail and nodded at her co-captain who was silently preparing for their last part of training. "i need everyone in position for their tumbles, except Bow and Sea-Hawk, i need you two working on the new stunt." The team nodded as they got into position, the two boys stepping off to the side to talk through the newest trick with her co-captain, Glimmer.

"One, three, five..." stopping mid count, Adora witnessed the biggest train wreck she's ever seen. jogging over to Mermista and Netossa, two of her most powerful tumblers, she surveyed them for damage after their near head on collision.

Neither girl seemed to be injured, both standing up fully and opting for a drink, which signalled the end of tumbling for the rest of the team. Rubbing her temples Adora looked around the Gymnasium, covered with a roll out cheer mat, each training night the Bright-moon Rebels turned their smelly old P.E area into a professional level training spot. With their trophies and awards up on the walls, this specific training spot gave the team a whole new sense of Morale. staring at the blank area on the shelf where last years championship trophy should have been, Adora quietly went for a water break.

Vowing once again to take back their championship streak, she began working through their routine mentally, as she often did.


Practice lasted another hour and a half, coach had soon shown up, directing them through drill after drill, and then exercise and exercise, it was a wonder they could all still walk.

"i thought Adora was going to pass out after the fifth round of tumbling." Glimmer said, laughing with her and Bow and they slowly made their way outside.

"Me?" Adora gasped, feigning shock. "did you see Bow? he looked ready to strangle someone."

both Glimmer and Adora glanced at their nicely mannered best friend, who did in fact look ready to strangle someone. Giggling as they made their way down the hall, the rest of the team slowly began to join them in their conversation, Cheer talk turned into school talk, and school talk turned into food.

Thats how Adora ended up squeezed between Swift-wind and Perfuma at a pizza place about a block from Bright-Moon.

Shoving her pizza into her face, she tuned into the conversations occurring between her teammates.

"Im so excited for karaoke night, it'll be a cheer squad adventure." Sea-Hawk exclaimed, trying to excite a bored looking Mermista.

"Sea-Hawk, its not an adventure, we're having it at Glimmers house." she groaned, a small smile forming on her lips and she began eating her pizza.

"Have you seen their routine yet? it was all over instagram last week" Adora snapped her head up, leaning over Perfuma to watch the Video of Horde colleges routine that was playing on Glimmers phone.

Perfectly synchronised skill after skill, Horde college showed yet again why they had beaten Bright-moon at last years states. About a five minute drive from Bright-moon, Horde college was a nearby highschool that also excelled in their competitive cheer squad, being just out of range for regionals, the teams always ended up neck and neck at the state finals, last year Horde college came out on top.

Adora swallowed nervously, their routine was close to perfection, a far cry from the Rebels routine, which happened to still be a total mess.

She pressed the off button on Glimmers phone, just before their main tumbling pass.

"i'm sure it's fine," she reassure them, flashing her best team captain smile. "I believe in us."

Grabbing her can of soda, she lifted in up above her head.

"For the rebellion." the rest of the team echoed her sentiment, spirts lifted, and she felt herself smile at her best-friends, and all they would accomplish together.

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