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"Tayo na talaga? As in, for real? Huy, kanina mo pa 'ko hindi pinapansin."

Aj looked at me before eating his food. I shyly looked at him, trying to be confident in front of him. I'm really sad because It's my first time to be in a relationship and I don't know how to act nicely or what! Baka mamaya, bigla siyang ma-turn off dahil sa mga ginagawa ko sa harap niya. Argh! I can't stop overthinking!

"Nahihiya ako." Mahina kong sabi.

"First time mo sa relationship?" He asked.

"Of course! We're just in high school, duh! What do you expect?" I sighed before taking a bite on my cake. We're having our desserts already, nakatapos na rin kami sa pag-kain ng steak.

"Daig pa pala tayo ng mga grade 7 na may jowa na at matatagal na sila." Aj chuckled. "Wag kang mahiya, pati ako nahihiya sayo." He licked his fang teeth and he bite his lower lip to hide his smile, that reveals his dimple on the right side of his lips. It was so adorable!!!

"Puro ka kalokohan! As long as they're happy, we should be happy too." I smiled.

"Pero, hindi naman dapat sa lahat ng bagay dapat masaya at mabait ka, pati na rin nakukuha nila ang luob mo. Dapat matuto ka ring humindi at unahin mo ang sarili mo." He talked like he can read my mind! 

"Wow. Ganiyan mo ako kakilala?" I chuckled.

"Girlfriend kita at hindi rin namang masamang obserbahan ka sa mga panahong nandiyan lang ako sa gedli-gedli! Atsaka, we should know each other more. We have much time for that." He waved his eyebrows. Did he just say 'girlfriend'???? my cheeks are blushing!

"Gedli-gedli amp! As in gilid-gilid?" My brows met out of curiosity. 

"Hmm.." He nods. "Tangina, ang corny ko na masiyado. Tapusin mo na nga 'yang kinakain mo para maihatid na kita pauwi sa inyo." He smiled. 

"Okay, boss." I nod. 

"Correction, it's baby. Not boss." He winked. Too much butterflies in my stomach!! Kilig ba 'tong nararamdaman ko? Sobra sobra naman ata.

We paid for our food and left the restaurant right after. We're riding awiee, his scooter on our way to my home. When we arrived in front of our house, I stood in front of him and he let himself unbuckle the chinstrap. He removed the helmet on my head and placed it on its place. Bumaba siya ng scooter niya. He looked at me and he held my hands.

"I can hear your heartbeat. Now, I'm sure that it's yours." He whispered. 

"I'm really nervous everytime i'm with you." I looked at way. Is this the real feeling of falling in love? I've seen a lots of movies with romantic scenes but I don't know if the charater and I are feeling the same way when It comes to love. 

"Okay, I'm sorry." He chuckled really softly. "It takes time to be comfortable with each other and I don't rush things. I can wait. Okay?" He placed his hand on my head and looked into my eyes.

Music of FameTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon