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rapidly i turn around and see george standing there. my heart rate increases almost instantly. he looks sad, also concerned. i can't imagine what i've put him through these last couple of days.

"sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he says, standing awkwardly in the door frame. he doesn't know what to do.

i half smile at him and gesture for him to sit down next to me. he closes the door behind him and cautiously sits down.

i take the cigarette out of my mouth and hold it between my fingers. i hold my head with my free hand. i can feel george squirming beside me not knowing what to do.

i don't know what the fuck to do either.

"i don't know what the fuck to do george" i speak my mind, staring blankly at the city below us. "genuinely i have no idea what the fuck i'm going to do" i say, putting the end of the cigarette to my lips and inhaling again.

my hands are shaking now, partly because i only have a t-shirt and shorts on and also i'm so fucking scared and i have no idea what to do.

"hey, you're shaking, take this" george says as he takes off his sweater, slightly lifting up his t-shirt to reveal his skin. he had a nice body, it was perfect.

he passes it to me and i pass him my cigarette to hold while i shrug on the sweater. it smelt of him. i fucking loved it.

i take back my cigarette and take the last puff before flicking it off the balcony.

still shaking, i turn to face him.

"i done something bad george, something really bad" my eyes start to tear up but i manage to hold myself together. "i don't think i can fix it"

"it's okay, you can talk about it to me" he says softly.

he's not going to see me the same way after this. i know he isn't. i'm a fucking monster, and i don't even feel bad.

as soon as i open my mouth i tell him everything. the dms, how i went to his apartment, he started shouting so i pulled out a knife to intimidate him. and most importantly about how i strangled him until he was dead and staged a suicide.

when you say it all out loud and together it sounds a little crazy. but it's okay. he deserved it right? like he actually deserved it?

george stares at me after i finish talking, i can't read his expression. that scares me a lot.

"dyl i don't know what to say" he says, not quite looking me in the eyes.

tears start to fall down my face but my expression doesn't change.

"just say something please george" i say, wiping the tears from my face with his sweater.

"i'm with you dyl, through everything you know that right? you did what you had to do" he begins to bite his nails.

i breathe a massive sigh of relief. thank fuck mr nice eyes doesn't hate me.

"you're not scared of me?" i say, choking on my words as they come out.

"dylan, there is nothing you could do that would make me scared of you" he's looking me right in the eyes. i can tell he's not lying.

"thank fuck for that" i sniff and fall into his arms. he hugs me tight and i feel warm inside.

"don't shut me out again okay? promise me." he says, his face buried in my hair and his lips just above my ear.

"i promise, only if we can go for a walk" i tease.

george gives in and stands up.

we walk down to the tesco metro closest to our flat and buy a monster and strawberry milk each. we hold hands as we walk to the bench where it all began.

i hand him a strawberry milk and monster from the bag next to me. we both open the strawberry milk.

"cheers dyl, to the future" george says raising his strawberry milk.

"cheers to our future" i correct him, raising my strawberry milk to meet his.

we both smile at each other and hold eye contact for a moment before our lips meet. this was like a fucking scene from a movie. you know one of those coming of age films and where the boy and the girl meet each other and slowly find themselves together.

but like maybe with a little extra, uh, murder.

the sun slowly rises behind us as we kiss. george was a good kisser. like a good good kisser. i never want this moment to end.

he slides both hands to my waist as he pulls me closer. i drape my hands over his shoulders and run my fingers through his hair.

we pull away from each other and george blushes, he attempts to hide it by looking away but i can read him like a book now.

"well that was pretty poggers" george says sipping his strawberry milk.

"way to ruin the fucking moment"

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