3. Time to party

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Authors note : hey guys so I know this is a slow start but once again I promise it will get better the further we go.i want to make this book like you actually know the characters and I want you to have connections with them and to really enjoy this book thank you
The music is blasting the torches are lit the sun is setting and me and Justin are surfing. Life can't get any better. we've had some perfect waves but they are starting to die down so we decided to go and join Abbie and the boys on the dance platform.
As we climbed onto the platform we realised how full it was but as we went to get down Stacey shouted over "look kats to ashamed to dance" she smirked at me "No wonder she's not on the dance team" everyone started laughing
" I could dance circles around you if I wanted to"
"Prove it" she laughed
" Okay" I said as I walked to the middle of the platform towards Stacey " you go first " I said
" Of course gimme a beat!" She shouted
The DJ turned on Bruno Mars' Uptown funk. Stacey started she wasn't on the beat and her moves didn't flow it got to the second verse and it was my turn. When I started she didn't expect me to be as good as I was. I was wiping the floor with her. The song ended and Stacey walked up to the DJ and whispered something then walked back over to me replay came on by Zendaya. She started better this time... A lot better... It came to my turn and I slipped. But I got up and saved it and everyone started screaming and chanting my name " KAT KAT KAT KAT " Stacey walked over to me " You will regret this" She said and walked off. I wasn't going to let her get to me everyone flooded the dance floor and started dancing. It was the best night ever.

My name is Katrina//Niall horan//Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora