35. Raise the money

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Kat's been weak for two days now and today was the day of the auction. we prepared the auction room with various things, t shirts CDs... Louis carrot bag...

I took a deep breath when Zayn tapped me on the back. "don't worry haz we will raise the money we need." he smiled at me before going back to help Liam and Louis. Niall had stayed at the hospital with Kat. she's been so weak recently I really hope this operation goes well. if she even has the operation. one of the doors opened and Niall hopped in on his crutches. I looked at him confused

" Your parents and Gemma are with her. I only left because the doctor said she was stable." he babbled nervously I nodded and walked over to him embracing him in a gentle hug not to hurt his arm. I helped him onto the platform before turning around to take one last look at the hall whilst it was empty. I nodded to the bouncers holding the doors shut to open them. I slipped behind the curtain with the boys as I heard the girls chatting away as they waited for the auction of our stuff to start.

We all walked onto the platform-stage thingy and began the auction.


I lay in my hospital bed limply. I opened my eyes and saw mum dad and Gemma sitting in the chairs next to my hospital bed. I tried to smile but it didn't work very well. I wouldn't give up. I have to beat this cancer. I can't give up. the boys have gone to an auction to try and pay for my operation. I feel so bad now. they have to sell some of their stuff. I'm exhausted " Kat honey try and get some sleep."my mum suggested softly. I slowly nodded and closed my eyes in hope that I wake up.


we are almost done with the auction. everything has sold so far. we've raised quite a bit as well. next up is...louis carrot bag. oh god here we go he'll do a whole back story on his bag now. a girl just bought it... here we go

" I had this bag when I was five it was a birthday present from my nan Christiana..." I zoned out having heard this story like a bajillion times already. before I knew it the auction was over and we were counting the money. " how much is it Li?" I asked Liam nervously it has to be enough. please let it be enough..


Sorry for the crap chapter but wanted to update haha. soo cliff hanger. I actually don't have anything I wanted to say. sooo I will update hopefully tomorrow love you lots like jelly tots byeee

My name is Katrina//Niall horan//Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora