14. Date from heaven

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I woke up today after dreaming about Niall. he's so sweet and we are going on a date tonight. I finally get my chance with him. I can't mess this up. Eleanor had come over for the weekend but I was asleep when she got here. the boys had gone to tour rehearsals this morning and I missed them going and they hadn't left me food! Now I have to cook! I went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge there was nothing but an apple in there I grabbed the apple and ran up to Perrie's room. I knocked the door and I could hear her and Eleanor talking through the door "she's so nice we need to help her get ready for her date tonight" I think it was Perrie " Yeah shall we go see if she's up?" I knocked on the door and walked in as if I had not heard their conversation " the boys haven't left us any food girls!" I said over dramatically making them burst into laughter. "ye me and Eleanor ordered mcdonalds breakfast." Perrie laughed
" Wait... you can order mcdonalds that's-" I was cut off by the door bell "FOOOOOOOOD" I screamed running down to the door. I opened it and pulled the mcdonalds from the man and closed the door in his face I was in the kitchen eating when the girls caught up with me. "you excited for your date?" Perrie said looking at her phone " yeah I'm excited" I said " we leave at 1:30pm"I explained
"Ohh that only gives us 4 hours to get you ready come on" Eleanor screamed grabbing my hand dragging me up the stairs to my room she went in my wardrobe looking at my few clothes she turned round looking confused at me "where's all your clothes" she asked "that's all I have" I answered " you can borrow something of mine come on" Eleanor said as we walked over to her room she pulled out a really cute black dress with pink polka dots it had black ruffles under the polka dot pattern and it was strapless then she gave me black heels with a pink bow on the front of them. I went to my room and into my bathroom to have a shower I turned it up really hot and jumped in I washed my hair and body then got out wrapped a towel around me Eleanor and Perrie were on YouTube on my computer creating a playlist I walked out and they sat me in front of my dressing table and they showed me a picture of how they were going to do my hair it was effortless beach waves pulled over to one side and a small pink flower on the other side. they started doing my hair and Perrie put the music on giving me advice on how to have a good date. Eleanor finished my hair and it was stunning I went into my bathroom and put my dress on then came back out Perrie looked at the time 1:25 " el you better do her make up quick if you want to be done in time" Perrie shouted from my computer "i know I know" Eleanor shouted back she applied a small amount of foundation blusher eyeliner and mascara I threw my shoes on and started to make my way downstairs with the girls to wait for Niall.


we went back to Harry's mums place after rehearsals for me to get ready for my date with Kat we got to Harry's at about 11:00 I was picking her up at 1:30 I walked into Harry's and greeted his mum and she told me to go down to the basement to get ready. the basement was like mine and the boys own house I ran into the bathroom and jumped in the shower. I put my phone in the speaker and put my playlist on. when I was finished I climbed out and walked back into the main section and got dressed I put a plain white tee and a green hoodie on with my black slit knee jeans and high tops. I ran up to the kitchen grabbed my keys and jumped in my car and went to get Kat. here we go.


The doorbell went and I perked up Eleanor ran to the door and called me over Niall was standing there looking as hot as ever. " wow" he said looking at me i laughed quietly " I was gonna say the same think about you" I said as he extended his hand to help me down the steps we walked to his car and he opened my door. "thank you" I said climbing into the car. he ran round and got into the other side we drove out and down some roads " so where are we going Nialler?" I asked
" well I thought I'd take you shopping then for a candle lit dinner"he said with a hint of nervousness in his voice
" Aww thanks but I haven't got much money for shopping" I said wishing I brought more
" Don't worry princess I'm paying." he said grabbing my hand. I looked at him in shock. he just smiled at me. after a whole of singing along to the radio Niall pulled into a parking space. and we got out of the car. in front of us there was a huge shopping mall with a glass roof. Niall interlocked his fingers with mine as we walked up to the doors. We walked in and I could see all my favourite shops jack wills,hollister,gilly hicks,apple my favourites but expensive. "I remember telling you that I would get you a new phone... lets go and get you one now yeah" I looked at him I didn't expect him to get me one. he led me over to Apple and we were walking around looking at all the phones. " what one do you want babe?" Babe he just called me babe oh my god I can't believe it.I like it. I picked up a blue iPhone 5c. it was nice but it was the newest model and really expensive. " do you want that one?" He asked "it's really expensive Niall I'll have a less expensive one" I put the phone back down and walked to get another one " ye can I have this one" I heard Niall saying I turned round and he was buying the blue one " Niall it's too expensive don't worry I'll just get a different one" I said trying to pull him with me " no you wanted that one I'll get you that one your worth it" he said staring into my eyes.his words made me melt inside.The employee came back with the phone in a small apple bag he handed it to Niall and Niall handed him the money he linked arms with me and we walked out of the store " thank you Niall" I said placing my head into the crook of his neck.it fit perfectly. we walked over to pandora and Niall bought me a pandora bracelet with the most expensive charms on it.then we went to jack wills and he bought me loads of new clothes. we went in a lot of shops buying a lot of clothes and shoes. " Niall you really don't need to do this" I said picking my bags up off of the floor " no but I want to" he replied kissing me on the cheek as we walked back to the car. we put all our bags in the back and sat in the front it was about 5:30 now we drove up some streets and we got back to the mansion everyone else had gone out to a movie and back to Harry's families house. Niall lead my up to the roof by the pool and in the decking there was a gazebo with white silk curtains in the corners and a table in the candle light. it was beautiful. Niall led me over to the table and pulled my chair out for me to sit on. a waiter came over with menus. Niall had the chicken salad and I had a chicken and chorizo gnocchi dish it was stunning. " I really like you Kat" "I like you too Niall I said as we stared into each other's eyes the waiter came over with our dessert we had brownies with chocolate-covered strawberries and ice cream. the strawberries were amazing and the brownies to die for!! We finished food and Niall put some music and we danced in each others arms it was perfect. we stopped and we both looked into each other's eyes Niall pushed a loose strand out of my face he leaned in towards me I closed my eyes and leaned towards him we kissed.as we kissed it poured down raining we stood there in the rain kissing. wee broke apart and we ran into the house and went to the pillow room and started watching pitch perfect I fell asleep in Niall's arms...

Best date ever!!

A/N so what'd you guys think of the story so far please let me know in the comments and if you like it could you if possible please vote thank you bye xx

My name is Katrina//Niall horan//Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora