chapter 7

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dakota's p.o.v

as i heard the sound of a car horn outside my house, i grabbed my backpack and said bye to my mom. she waved, saying goodbye as well as i raced outside, ready to tell kenzie what happened while i was on the phone with lucy.

"heyy!" she smiles as i sit in the car and put my bag at my feet.

"guess what?" i ask and she raises an eyebrow at me. "you'll never guess what lucy told me on the phone last night."

"ooo do tell!" she says as she backs out of my driveway, making her way down the road. i explain to her what lucy was telling me last night and how shocked i was. she didn't seem to believe it either.

when we got to school, for once i wasn't nervous. the more lucy and i talked the more i'm starting to feel comfortable around her. not her friends or boyfriend, but just her.

kenzie wraps her arm around my shoulder as we walk into the building. i keep a small smile on my face, hoping today will be a good day. when we reach our lockers, she retracts her arm from my shoulder and puts in her combination. i do the same. i open it up and empty my backpack, putting away some books. as i do so, i look down the halls each way. i see lucy walking alone down the hallway. our eyes meet and she comes over quickly. i try not to get excited.

"hey." she says, smiling at me. i close my locker, turning to her.

"hi." my face becomes a light shade of pink as i look at her with that beautiful smile on her face. i look back at kenzie, pulling her next to me. "i'm not sure if you know her but this is kenzie." i tell lucy and she gives kenzie a quick wave.

"hi, it's nice to meet you." she says. kenzie nods back to her.

"likewise." she says. then she turns her head to me, making sure lucy can't see and winks at me. she wraps her arms around me and walks away from us, going to first period i assume. i roll my eyes.

"sorry, she's weird." i tell lucy and she laughs, gripping one strap of her backpack harder.

"no worries, she seems cool." she nods. i giggle, leaning against the lockers. she tilts her head at me a little, looking down at my feet and then back up to my face. did she just check me out?

"so um-"

"have you thought about what you wanted to tell me about yourself?" she asks and my eyes open wide. holy shit, i totally forgot. think dakota think! what's something that i do? that i like?

"i really like romantic movies." as the words come out of my mouth, i close my eyes slowly and then opening them. well this is great, how i'm totally embarrassed. she lets out a small laugh, nodding her head.

"me too." she says as she slowly stops nodding. i bring my head back in shock, squinting my eyes at her.

"really?" i ask genuinely curious. i sound a little too excited. "kenzie hates them." i roll my eyes playfully at her.

"well i'm not kenzie." she says to me, keeping an intense stare on me. the bell rings but neither of us move. i watch as people start rushing down the hallway but i'm frozen. and she hasn't moved.

"lucy, you're going to be late." i hear a masculine voice call out from being me. she looks to the side of me and her face becomes numb as she looks at her tall boyfriend. "you're talking to her again?" he asks as he squeezes between us, facing her. i back up, sighing before walking around them.

"i'll meet you in class dakota!" i hear lucy call out as i turn around fast. she looks at me and nods before turning back to nathan. i keep walking down the hall, fastening my pace to make it to class on time.

i make it to the room right in time before the bell rings and then i realize lucy is going to be late. this teacher hates when people are late. he gives detentions.

i think for a moment before backing up and standing in the hall next to the classroom. i watch down the hall for lucy, and when it's been a minute after the bell he shuts the door. i feel my anxiety kick in as i realize i'm late for class. on the third day of school.

i finally see her rushing down the hallway to the classroom. when she sees me, her eyes widen in shock.

"why aren't you in class?" she asks me, coming close to me. i gulp, shrugging.

"i wanted to wait for you." i say quietly and her eyes soften, realizing what i did. "you were late anyway bc he wanted to talk to you about me, didn't he?" i ask. she takes a breath, putting her hands on my shoulders.

"dakota you didn't have to do that." she ignores my question. she shakes her head, looking into my eyes. i huff, putting my head down.

"too late." i laugh a little, lifting my head back up.

"you're going to get detention. you're a good kid, i-.." she starts but i cut her off.

"you being late had to do with me. now we will have detention together." i say shyly and her facial expression turns sad.

"nate is just an ass. you didn't do anything wrong. i'm sorry." she says sweetly. i grab her arms taking them off of my shoulder slowly.

"it's okay." i say to her. "let's go in." i go to turn towards the classroom but she grabs my arm gently, turning me to face her again.

"you're the sweetest person ever but next time, don't be so stupid." she flashes me a smile and turns to open the classroom door. i try to hide my blushed face as we enter the classroom together.

"girls?!" i jump as the teachers voice directed towards us. "you are five minutes late, detention after school. i don't want to hear it." he says and points for us to take our seats. i walk behind lucy, making my way to my seat as the whole class stares at us.

"now, as i was saying before i was rudely interrupted.." i tune his voice out, turning my head to look at lucy. she's looking at the teacher with a bored expression as she leans her head in her hand which is supported up by her elbow.

she looks at me when she notices me staring and sticks her tongue out in a playful manner. i smile, biting my lip as i look down at my empty desk. spending more time with her after school is so worth getting detention.

what a bad kid dakota is for getting detention oops 😬 did she do the right thing though for her to be with lucy ;) i'm sure y'all think so hehe! comment and vote if you liked it please ❣️

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