chapter 35

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dakota's p.o.v

i watch as she gets closer and closer to me, glancing down at my lips. my eyes widen and i move away, snapping back into what's happening. "stop."

"come on." she whines, looking irritated. i shake my head, bringing my book back on my lap.

"we need to do this project. i'm with lucy now. i'm over you. i've been over you." i tell her, making her draw back and nod, grabbing her book. her cheeks are flushed, she must be embarrassed. she knows i'm with lucy though.

"i thought you were joking at first." she says as she writes her name in the top of a piece of paper. i stop, giving her a look.

"joking about what?" i ask her, making her chuckle lightly.

"dating her." she says looking at me. i shake my head at her.

"why would i-"

"to make me jealous." she laughs, slapping her hands down on her book. i cross my arms, giving her a dirty look.

"why would i ever want to make you jealous?" i ask seriously, waiting to hear what she says. she shrugs.

"i don't know. because i broke your heart." she says looking down. i gasp unexpectedly, covering my mouth with my hand.

"i already said, i'm over it." i say, making her shake her head.

"no you said you're over me. not 'it'." she says raising her eyebrows. i sigh, putting my head down.

"please let's just do this." i say picking up my pencil. she nods, getting ready to write some ideas down as well.

we spent about almost 2 hour talking about ideas for our project as well as starting it. ive got we say, we worked good together and got a lot down. it actually surprised me. i just can't wait for lucy to pick me up because i wanna see her. i miss her.

"you're really smart, dakota." she says as we walk down the stairs into her kitchen. i follow, smiling a bit.

"you too. we got a lot done." i say sitting down at her kitchen table. we are still alone.

"are you hungry?" she asks me, opening her refrigerator. i put my hand over my stomach, feeling hungry,

"yeah, sort of." i tell her. she nods, going through and trying to find something to eat.

"cold pizza?" she asks, pulling out a plate with pizza on it. i nod. i actually like cold pizza.

"yeah." i say. she sits at the table with me and we each take a slice. it's quiet, alls i can hear is the sound of me chewing.

then my phone starts ringing. i pick it up and see it's lucy. i press answer and put it up to my ear. "hey babe." i say, taking another bite of the pizza. i see molly keep her head down.

"you're still there?" she asks me, sounding sort of mad.

"well yeah i told you i'd text you when i'm done." i say, hearing silence over the phone. i don't want her to be mad that i've been here so long. nothing has happened.

"it's been almost three hours." she says quietly. "no way you've been working on that project this whole time."

"n-no. we talked a bit." i admit, hearing her sigh over the phone. i quickly continue before she says something like she doesn't want to pick me up anymore. "you got to trust me lucy."

"i do but i don't trust her!" she raises her voice over the phone. i flinch, understanding.

"i know but it's all okay. we can hang out tomorrow after school. i'm only here for the project." my eyes catch as molly looks up at me, looking upset.

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