*1* The Beginning

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Annabeth POV

My name is Annabeth Chase. My best friend is Peyton Jackson. Her older brother is Percy Jackson. Yeah the Percy Jackson.

People have claimed to see him and a girl sneaking around before and after school, even during school. My friends say they make a cute couple, and a good team, I don't know if I would day that, but what I will say is that their chemistry is undeniable. Peyton always feels like people are using her for her brother. I'd like to say she's wrong... But I can't. I'm dating him.

It all happened over the summer...


Peyton and I were supposed to meet to grab food, and Sally told Percy he could meet up with his friends if he dropped Peyton off. So he did. I had the biggest crush on him, sure so did everyone at school, but I've known him since forever. Only recently have I been seeing him differently.

Peyton and I grabbed lunch and walked around the village, until Percy came to pick her up.

"Yo, Peyton, get in, mom—"

"Crap! I forgot my bag in the restaurant."

"Do you want me to run and get it with you?" Trying to be the good friend that I am I wanted to go with her.

"N-no just stay here with Percy, don't let him leave."

"Okay." She ran off, trying to navigate her way the ten blocks and through a sea of people.


"How've you been?" He got out of his car, and walked around to meet me. My heart was fluttering, and I'm almost certain it stopped for the whole conversation.

"I-I've been good." I looked away avoiding his gaze. We were talking, he asked me about my summer, and how my brothers were, he seemed to genuinely care... we were hitting it off, and he started to lean in, and so did I...

"Okay! I got it. Lets go Perce. I'll see you later Annabeth."

"B-bye." Percy handed me a piece of paper.

"Text me." He walked off and got in the car. I gulped, unsure of what to do.

I figured  I should just forget the whole thing happened, because it wouldn't be right to date my best friend's brother. Hell she was like my sister. But his sea green eyes, and his abs— Sorry, uhm yeah, so I threw his number away. Until a week later...

P: Hey, its Percy.

A: Hi...?

P: You didn't text me.

A: I know.

A: How did you get my number?

P: My sister.

A: She gave it to you?

P: No, she's sleeping and I know her passcode.

A: I don't think this is a good idea...

P: What? Us talking?

A: Well, yeah.

P: Thats too bad, I thought we had something...

My heart fluttered and stopped again.

A: I can't she's my best friend... plus what makes you think I even want to talk to you?

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