*14* Prom

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Percy missed his senior prom because he had to leave for training, but I'm not missing mine. He made his choice.

"Annabeth!" Sally called out so I run upstairs to see...

"Percy..." With his arm around a girl.

"Hey Annabeth, uhm t-this is Lindsey. Linz this is Annabeth, I told you about her."

"Oh... the pleasure is all mine Annabelle." Percy winced at her mistake.

"Annabeth." We corrected at the same time. My stomach hurt with butterflies, I just wanted to kiss him. All I wanted was him. I also wish he would have gone to his prom so he could have taken me. Tonight is Peyton's send mines. I'm going with Tyson, I know, its weird, I hate it too but I couldn't not have a date.

"BROTHER!!!" Tyson came bellowing down the stairs and practically knocked him over.

"Percy!" Stella's turn.

"Hey big bro." Peyton.

"Linz these are my siblings, Tyson, Stella, and Peyton. Guys this is Lindsey." Nobody seemed to like her.

"It was very nice to meet you Lindsey."

"Oh uhm Annabeth could I have a second with you just us?" Percy gave me those dam seal eyes. How could I say no?


Percy POV

Hate me I know. I hate me, I hate Lindsey. She was the girl my manager assigned for me to date. I'm going to try and make things right. I just need to talk to her.

We meet on the corner of the street, and she looks more stunning than my brain does her justice for.

"What do you want?"

"I miss you."

"Again, what do you want?"

"Your forgiveness, your trust, your friendship, you." She blushed, and I surged forward, as we kissed nothing else mattered, an asteroid could have hit the planet and I wouldn't have cared. She ran her fingers through my hair, and I melted into the kiss. I missed her so much. I never wanted to pull back. I could have stood there for an eternity kissing her, and I would have been more than happy, or bliss. It was Elysium. "I missed you so much."

"I have to get going." My heart sunk. She's just leaving? I'm not one to talk but what?

"Mom I miss her."

"I know hon, but you know what your manager said."

"I know, but its not fair. I'm Percy Jackson! I should be able to love whoever I want! A-And I want to love Annabeth, Mom its not fair!"

"Nobody ever said it would be fair Perce." I huffed and Peyton came downstairs is a big dress.

"What... are you wearing?" I laughed, I gotta say seeing her come down in a poofy dress definitely lightened my mood.

"It's prom you dipshit."

"Oh I didn't go to mine." I said with a smirk on my face because I was in training.

"We know!"

"... is Annabeth going?"

"Yeah... whats it to ya?"

"I just— she deserves to go is all."

"Yeah especially after the way you just dumped her before your prom." That was like a punch to the gut. Then even worse. Tyson came downstairs in a tux, because according to everyone in the house Annabeth was going with Tyson. Peyton was going with her girlfriend Reyna and I... I was staying home with Mom, Stella, and Paul. Of course it was a movie night, those were always my favorite, especially when Annabeth and I were dating.
Have I mentioned that I'm still hung up on Annabeth? Was that not clear enough? It was? Oh well just making sure. How could I not? I love her. She trusted me enough to let me into her heart and I just ripped the place to shreds. I have to fix it I have to. They left about an hour before I knew what I had to do.


"Yes?" He asked chuckling.

"I— can I borrow a tux?"

"Of course but wh- yeah." He stood up and grabbed his tux, it was a little small on me, but just the arms.

"Thank you." I hopped in my car and sped to the school.

When I had. Everything set up, and figured out how I was going to go in, and what I was going to say I had to get my confidence back, and work up my courage. When I gained my confidence back I head in.

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