*7* Betrayed

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Peyton POV

I can't believe her! She was the one person the only person at Goode who wasn't trying to get to Percy that stupid idiot brother of mine. No. No he's not my brother. I disown him. Can you disown a brother? If you can I am.

Should I at least try to hear her out? No, she betrayed my trust! All those movie nights I thought Percy was being an annoying brother he was just... just being a boyfriend. I can't believe they hid this from me! They've been a secret for so long that they say 'I love you'! They're that deep in! What does she think he's going to do when he graduates this year? Stay with her? No. If I know him and I think I do since he was my brother for my seventeen years on this earth, he's just going to break her heart. She'll need me. I'm not going to be the one to fix his mistakes, and put her back together.

There was a knock at my door. I throw on my robe and answer the door. Its Percy, ... and Annabeth.


"We wanted to know if you wanted to join us for breakfast?"


"Oh come on Pey let me show you nothings changed!"

"Everything's changed! I've been third wheeling for gods know how long, and now it sucks even more because I'm aware of the times you were around for "no reason" or or..."

"Peyton listen, collect your thoughts I can't follow your train of thoughts." Percy ha the audacity to say that to me.

"Shut up!" I swat at him. "Go Percy I told you. You're just a guy who I'm forced to be around now."


"No Percy."

"Peyton, would you have noticed if we hadn't told you?"

"Uh yeah! I saw you guys in the car! You didn't trade seats with me so you could be with Percy! He called you baby! He walks around shirtless because you're used to it! He... he always sat next to you during movie nights and now! Now youre sleeping in the same room! Oh Mom is gonna flip her shit! You're both so dead!"

"Peyton, would you just... do you want to come or not?"


Annabeth POV

Peyton slammed the door in our faces. I can't help but cry! I really lost my best friend. I betrayed her, for her stupid brother.

"Hey, hey, its going to be okay. I won't leave you. So she's stuck in your life."

"As long as you want me."

"You're the only girl I-I ever said or felt this way about... a-and I'm not giving that up."

"What about when you go to college?"

"I'll take a gap year. Then I'll work my butt off to get into whatever college you get into. Or a swim scholarship you know?"

"Percy, how come you're so great? What did I do to deserve you?" He engulfs me in a hug as we walk to breakfast.

"I love you so much. You know how to ski right?"


"Perfect, I'll get to help you." He kissed my cheek, and my already cold red cheeks got hot. I turn in his arms and kiss him.

"D-Don't you dare let go!"

"Wise Girl, calm down its the bunny hill."

"To you! To me this is like a triple black diamond!"

"Okay, okay. I'll walk down with you." He takes my hand and glides me down. "Remember, pizza to break, fries to go faster." Pizza, fries, pizza fries. "Good job!"

"Don't patronize me."

"I would never. Skiing is hard and you're a natural." He runs ahead down the hill. "Okay! Now ski to me!!"

"No! I-I can't!"

"I have something for you!"

"What is it?"

"You'll have to ski to me to find out!" Ugh I do my fry position and I slowly reach him.

"What is it?" He kissed me. It was freezing out but he warmed me up. "Oh."

"Was it worth it?" I smirk.

"No." I bite down my smile.

"Oh really? Do you want something better?" I shrug. "Well here's the deal: the harder the hill you don't die from, the better the kiss will get."

"Or, and hear me out now... Hot tub."

"I like your plan. Lets go, but we're skiing all of tomorrow, well you'll ski I'll snowboard." He winked at me. He pulled me along on my skis to his cabin.

"My feet hurt!"

"Then lets get you in the hot tub!"

"No my feet hurt too much."

"Fine, I'll be in there, all by my lonesome." He made those dam seal eyes.

"I don't have a bathing suit."

"We'll get one from Peyton... oh... it doesn't hurt to ask right?"

"It might!"

"Not if we invite her!"

"Just get me in the cabin Seaweed Brain."

"Your wish is my command." He picked me up and went inside the cabin, placing me down on the island in the kitchen. He took off my skis outside, now it was just the boots to get off. He undid the buckles, and my feet instantly felt better. "Cinderella the shoe fits!"


"The shoe like in Cinderella? Well the shoe scene?"

"The shoe scene?" I stifled my laughter.

"Don't laugh at me! It was all I was aloud to watch as a kid Peyton wad a TV hog!"

"No its good, I like sensitive boys." I took his jaw in my hand in a playful manner, and kissed him.

"I! Am! Not! A s-sensitive boy! I am the manliest boy you've ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on!"

"Okay... no need to get so sensitive about it!"

"Oh you'll pay for that Wise Girl." He jumped over the island in a sliding kind of thing and tackled me on the couch.

"You Seaweed Brain! You're crushing me!" He started to kiss my neck. I wrapped my legs around his torso and he carried me to the bedroom. I let him take his shirt off, for my benefit that is, and then I stopped him. He made his pouty face but wasn't really all that upset. As I said before he knows my boundaries and respects them.

"Guess what!"


"I like you."

"You like me?"

"Yeah." He smirked. "Oh did you want me to say something else?"

"I hate you."

"No you don't." I couldn't keep the smile off my face. "I have another thing I guess I should tell you..."


"I like you a lot." He laughed at himself.

"Well fine. I like me too. More than I like you."

"Okay fine but do you love you more than I love you?" He kissed me, and kissed my jawline, up to my soft spot, causing a moan I didn't know I had escape. "Will you go in the hot tub with me now?"

"I still don't have a swimsuit."

"Who said anything about needing swimsuits?"


"I'm not saying we do it I'm just saying who needs em if its just the two of us?" He had a point. Its not like we were uncomfortable with each other.

"Okay, fine."

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