*3* Finally Alone

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⚠️ Lime warning ⚠️

Percy POV

She invited me in. I'm not going to pass up a chance to be with her, not now not ever. I turned off my car, and we headed inside. She took my hand and opened the door.

I barely had a foot in the door before our lips  met. She pulled me so we were up against the wall. Her kisses were sweet but hungry. Her bedroom was on the ground floor, Helen didn't want her on the same floor as her boys as they slept. At the time Annabeth was hurt and angry, now we're thankful, she can sneak out her window without fear of falling, and we didn't have to climb the stairs to get where we wanted to go. She pulled me into her bedroom and pushed me down on the bed.

"I missed you." I flipped her over, planting kisses on her jawline, her neck and landing at her sweet spot by her ear. My hands were moving on their own, taking in her curves, and her overall beauty. She's one of those girls, that no matter how hard she tries to not look pretty, she's undeniably gorgeous. I couldn't stop myself I'm so in love with her, I needed her, I needed her right here, right now.

"I need you."

"You have me. Do what you want." I of course wasn't going to use her, that wouldn't be right, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did something to make her uncomfortable. I kissed down her neck, and before I removed her shirt I checked in, she just nodded, and so I took mine off as well. She was working on my pants as I kissed her neck.

"I love you." She stopped.

"W-what?" It was too late to go back now.

"I said, I love you." I tried to keep a brave face, but her lack of an answer was really starting to worry me. She kissed me with more passion.

"I love you too." She was kissing me but I felt my lips get wet. She was crying.

"A-Annabeth, what's wrong?" I pulled back so I could see her face.

"I just, I never had someone who was truly there for me, and I thought i had that with Peyton, but she had started to drift, but with you, you mean the world to me. I don't know how you've done it, but you're my entire world." She was still crying so I just held her close to me, and rested my chin on  her head. "I love you too much."

"I never thought that I would ever find anyone who saw past my exterior, but you did, you saw me for me, and for that I can't help but love you." She kissed me, instead of it being hungry, it was full of love, and passion. I tried so hard to convey all my love in that kiss, I don't know if she got the message, but soon she deepened it, and I could have stayed there for an eternity.

Unfortunately my phone rang.


"Where are you? Its been an hour and a half!"

"I went to get food, and ran into some buddies..." Hopefully she bought it.

"Well, bring me back something then."

"Okay." I hung up and just held Annabeth. I felt her relax in my arms and her breathing slowed to a steady pace, and I knew she was asleep. I really didn't want to wake her but it was already a quarter to seven, and I still had to pick up some food so Peyton didn't think I was lying. "Annabeth, hey Annabeth—"


"I have to go, I love you."

"Love you too." I kissed her forehead, but she pulled my head down so I met her lips. "Don't leave. I need you."

"I really don't want to leave but Peyton thinks I have food that I'm bringing back, so I have to get going. I'm sorry, I'll call you later tonight okay?" She nodded, gave one last kiss and rolled over. I kissed her neck and left.


"Finally what took you so long?" She was looking at me like I was hiding something, which of course I was but I tried so hard to not let her know that. "What happened to your neck?" Shit.

"I uh walked into something..."

"Yuh huh, would that something be somebody's lips?"

"Here's your food, now leave me alone." I hated pushing  her away but I wanted to call Annabeth. 



"Hey Seaweed Brain. I miss you."

"I miss you too, I would rather be over there with you than stuck here."

"I know but I'll be over there tomorrow for taco night."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Gods it feels so good to say that, especially to you. I really never thought I would have anyone who would ever feel the same. I'm so grateful that I found you."

"Listen, I'm the luckiest guy, I have the most gorgeous, funny, cute, kindest girlfriend, who deserves the world, so don't you ever say she's less than that."

"Alright, alright I'm sorry Seaweed Brain."

"Its okay, just if anybody tells you otherwise I'll beat them up."

"You get in enough trouble."

"I know but you're worth it."

"Stop, I want to kiss you but its a phone, so you better stop making me want you."

"I always want to kiss you, how do you think I feel when you're over here, and I can't hold you or kiss you?"

"I love you, Helen is calling me to bring in groceries, I'll call you before bed?"

"Yeah, okay, i miss you, and I love you." I hung up and was met with Peytons forrest green eyes.

"Who the fuck was that?"

"That would be none of your business."

"No wonder you've been acting so different! You have a girlfriend! She's changing you, you know, you're like softer, and more considerate. I have to know who she is, you have to tell me."

"I don't have to tell you anything."

"Ah ha! You didn't deny the fact that you have a girlfriend!"

"Oh stop it. Is mom home?"

"Tell me! And no"

"You don't know her!"

"You said that you missed her! Did you see her today?  Is that why it took you almost three hours to drop off Annabeth?" I looked down and pushed her out of my room, locked the door and laid down on my bed.

I was scrolling through my private folder that had pictures of Annabeth and me. There was one from our second date I took her to the beach, and a family had asked us to take a picture of them and in exchange they offered a picture of us. Annabeth was on my shoulders, holding a stick she had whacked me with. The next picture was from a quick moment we had when Peyton was in the bathroom during a movie night, she had grabbed my phone, leaned back into my chest and took some selfies, as I scrolled through the pictures it was like watching a stop motion film as she slowly made her way to my neck. Then the next picture was from our one month anniversary, I had set up a candle lit dinner in her backyard. Her parents were out of town that weekend. That was also the night when we... almost for the first time. The last picture was from last weeks movie night when it was mom's pick, I don't remember what she had picked, I had been to busy watching Annabeth from across the couch.

I felt my eyes getting heavy so I made sure to close out of my folder before I fell asleep. I dreamt of Annabeth, I know that sounds cheesey but it just further proves that she's the girl of my dreams.

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