*16* After Prom *16*

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Percy POV

I drive Annabeth and me back to the house while Peyton, Reyna and Tyson head to the After Prom party.

"You sure you don't want to go?"

"Yeah, its just like every other high school party, nothing special."

"As long as you're happy." I rest my hand in the middle for her to take, and she does. Her hand is a perfect match to mine, like we were produced in a factory to be a perfect match.

"I am." I kiss her hand as she laughs. "I really did miss you Percy."

"I'm sorry I left. I'm never going back."

"Percy, you can't do that."

"Why not? I want to be with you, I did what I always said I would do now I have other, newer commitments to stay with." She rolled her eyes but was smiling.

"You're a sweet idiot."

"Thank you. You're pretty." She rolled her eyes again.

I pulled into the driveway and ran around to open the door for her.

"Thank you."

"Of course M'Lady." I took her hand and led her inside.

"Hey guys." Annabeth walked in with the biggest grin on her face, and Paul gave my mom $5. "What was that?"

"Paul lost the bet is all."

"What were you guys betting on?" I slung my arm around her waist and pulled her close. Mom had a smug look on her face.

"Come on Wise Girl, lets get you in comfortable clothes." I took her hand and led her upstairs. She went into my room, our room, and stole my swim team hoodie. It was gigantic on her. One might say she was drowning in it. Do you get it? Its my swim hoodie...? Whatever. It was big on her and she looked really good.



"You're staring at me."

"Am not."

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!" It went on like that for a while. Probably longer than I'd like to admit but we ended up the way we usually did, her laying in my arms on my bed as I played with her hair. "I seriously thought you were proposing and I was like oh gods what is he thinking?" She laughed at it like it was the most ridiculous thought she could think of.

"Yeah, I definitely didn't buy an engagement ring." I did of course. I couldn't think of any way to get the box. I will use the ring on her, just not now clearly.

"Do you actually you know want to marry me?"

"I've never been more sure of something in my life."

"Things change Perseus." I winced at the use of my full name.

"You're right. Keep calling me Perseus and I'll break up with you Wise Girl."

"You wouldn't but if it bothers you so much I'll stop." I stood up and hugged her from behind.

"I love you."

"Yeah yeah just kiss me." she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. My hands held her small figure and I really needed her. I needed to be with her.

"mmm I-I gotta stop."

"Why? D-Did I do something wrong?"

"N-no. Quite the opposite. I uhm, just need a second." She drives me crazy but its so worth it. She didn't make it any easier to calm down when she sat on my lap, and kissed my neck. I thrusted her closer to me and I checked in with her, she nodded as I laid her down. I took off my shirt, and then hers. I kissed her neck all the way to her soft spot, causing her to wrap her legs around my torso, pulling me in. She was laughing but not at me. Rather out of happiness I guess. I took in her body, her curves, every tiny non existent blemish.
The next morning I felt extremely guilty. I was definitely feeling better than I had in weeks but I was worried that I pressured her into it. She was on top of me, snuggled into my chest and I had my hands protectively around her head and waist. I let go of her head and reached for my phone. She stirred at the sudden movement.

"Hey, hey go back to sleep." She smiled and kissed my neck. "Shh okay, you're tired. You had a long night."

"Okay..." She wrapped herself around me fully, keeping me from being able to get out of bed. She snored softly and it made me so happy to just be with her.

I kissed the crown of her head and tried to get out from under her.



"D-Did last night really happen?" I knew what she meant but its more fun to mess with her.

"Well yesterday was the 10th and according to my phone its the 11th so I imagine at some point the night happened." She picked her head up to glare at me.

"You know what I mean."

"Yes, i-it did."

"Okay." She rolled off of me and snuggled into the pillow. "I'm sore. My feet hurt."

"Try and get some more sleep." I got out of bed and kissed her forehead before getting dressed for the day.

Once I was dressed I started to make breakfast when Peyton came downstairs.



"Hung over Pey?"

"MMm shh. Why are the lights so bright?"

"Take a seat I've got the perfect thing for you... Just cover your ears." I blended up a bunch a green crap. Something about a green smoothie and telling someone that its a hangover cure is what always seems to work. I blended up the mixture of avocado, cilantro, and cucumber and served it to Peyton in one of her favorite cups. Its one of the cups where the straw wraps around the cup and what not. She took it and looked at it funny. "What?"

"It looks gross."

"Hold your nose and suck it up." Pun intended! She glared at me and did as I said.

"Wow thats gross. But I think I'm feeling better." I smiled to myself. Works every time. "Thanks Perce."

"what are big brothers for?"

"Screwing their best friends?"


"Our rooms are right next to each other Perce."


"Nah its uhm fine. Just uhhh treat her right." She stood up and walked to her room. I was mortified. I really tried to keep it quiet but there's only so much one can do.

"Hi." Annabeth came prancing down the stairs, and kissed my cheek.

"Someone's spry this morning."

"I just had a good night is all." She sat on the counter in my shirt and her little sleeping shorts, and pulled me close to her. "Thanks Perce." I honestly didn't know what to say.

"I love you."

"You promise?"

"I never stopped." She pulled me by my shirt to her lips, and somehow the kiss was better than it had been before.

"I really am in love with you." She kissed me again.

"Thanks." She pushed me away after that.

"Get cookin good lookin."

"Yes ma'am."

(A/N: So... they're back together! No need to freak! Except... I think I'm going to wrap up this story here, or I can do like a five years in the future thing and we'll see what kind of fucked up shit happened. IDK I'll figure it ig. I also have no clue how to finish a story. I finished my first story like two days ago and I don't even think it was a good ending. Anyways if you could let me know... I would really appreciate it. Like lmk what you want.)

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