*15* Prom part two

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Annabeth POV

The lucky part of going to prom with Tyson is that he's finally taller than me, so it will be less awkward for me, not really but I wasn't about to go from dating the Percy Jackson to not having a date for Prom. I'll just go with the next Jackson boy, or well Blowfis but whatever. You get the gist. I just wish I was with a different Jackson boy but its fine, it's fine, its fine. After seeing him with his new girlfriend I have closure, he's moved on which means I should too.

"Come on baby lets go show these fools how its done." Tyson walked me over to the dance floor, and I felt everyone's eyes on me. Peyton and Reyna were dancing, as were Piper and her boyfriend Jason. Thalia and Luke were cute together, and Beckendorf with Silena, Travis and Katie, Meg and Lester, and Nico and Will. All my friends were with who they were meant to be with except me. I haven't found who I'm supposed to be with. I thought I had but obviously I was wrong, I don't fit his mold. Tyson was being a gentleman I'll give him that.It was nice he agreed to take me to my prom so I owe him that as well. Especially since when he first brought it up I almost broke his arm. In my defense he was lower than he should have been.

As the night went on people were talking and eating rather than dancing. They were playing the song Percy played during our picnic under the stars. Tyson was nice he offered me a slow dance but I couldn't do it, it felt wrong I won't be able to do anything to this song for the rest of my life, it all hurts too much.

Ten minutes later they kept playing the same song over and over again, it must have been stuck on a loop because this  is like the fifth time its played consecutively. 

"Excuse me little brother." A voice I vaguely remember spoke up.


"Hey Ty, thanks for taking her but do you mind if I tag in?"

"Sure she won't dance to this song its weird."

"Yeah thats my doing." I pick my head up and I'm met with my favorite sea green eyes.

"Hey Wise Girl."

"W-what are you doing here?"

"Well I didn't get to take you to my prom so I thought maybe I could make it up to you."

"You didn't have too, besides you're a big swimmer now, no time for measly high school dances." My voice was harsher than I had intended, but who does he think he is showing up here!?

"Come on Wise Girl, please?" With those dam seal eyes, he takes my hand and pulls me up.

"Fine, just one dance." When he takes my hand those dam tingles come back. It really sucks. He makes it so hard to get over him. He puts both hands on my hips and pulls me flush against him. I miss his warmth, its so comforting. Its taking every last bit of my willpower to not rest my head on his chest. We don't do anything fancy, we just sway to the beat as do the other couples— er uhm sets of people. We are a set of two people, dancing, not even, swaying. We're swaying.
I feel his stare drift between my eyes and my lips. Gods what if he tries to kiss me again? Do I let him? Do I want him too?

"I really miss you Annabeth." He whispered in my ear, making me shiver under his warm breath on my ear. I swallow my feelings as the song ends, and it finally changed. I pull away and go back to Tyson. I can't let Percy do this. He broke it off. He broke it off for his career, I understand, but thats it, our time is done. He walked over after being bombarded with girls asking for an autograph, because of course they notice the tall, ruggedly handsome sea green eyed man. "Excuse me please I would like to get back to my table." He puts his hands up over the girls who won't let him move, and I can't help but laugh. "Oh you think this is funny?" He finally made it back to the table, and sat down. He put his hand on my thigh like he used too, and I have to tell him to stop, I don't know what he's trying to do.

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