*12* Breaking The New News

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(3 months later)
Percy POV

I've kept the news of me being in the olympics under wraps for about three months now. Annabeth doesn't know, Peyton, Tyson, and Stella all don't know. I have to leave in two weeks from today which means its time to tell them.

"Hey guys."

"Hi Mom, whats up?'

"Percy has some news to tell you guys. Paul and I are more than proud of him and can't wait to share this news with you all." She gave me an encouraging look, making the knots in my stomach untie a little.

"So as some of you know I qualified for the Olympics and well about three months ago, I got the call."


"I uhm I made it."

"Percy thats great!" Annabeth jumped up and gave me a big hug. It hurt because our relationship was really ending.

"Uhm A-Annabeth?"


"Can we take a walk?"

"Sure." We head outside, she takes my hand as we walk. I still get the exciting tingles whenever she's near me. "So Seaweed Brain... whats up? I don't imagine you just wanted to take a walk." I swallow hard, squeeze her hand and let it go.

"So uhm, I had talked to my manager that they assigned me and uhm," This is all true by the way my manager really did tell me I couldn't be with Annabeth since it would be bad for my image. "She said that uhm it doesn't look good for my uhm image that I date a girl who's uhm... s-still in high school..." I winced at my own words. I was supposed to be marrying her not breaking up with her.


"I have to put an end to us. A-and believe me I really really don't want too. I tried for three months to reason with my manager to figure out a way and she told me that if I really wanted this dream I should be able to sacrifice whatever it takes, and I'm so sorry Annabeth. If I had known, I wouldn't have even tried out for the games, at least not while you still had a year to go." Her mouth formed into a tight line as she thought. She wasn't reacting which was somehow worse. I couldn't tell what was going on in her head, I couldn't tell what she was feeling or what she wanted. She swallowed, and opened her moth to talk.


"O-Okay? Thats what you have to say?"

"I don't know what you want from me. You swore to never leave me, I gave you that part of me, and I was right to not want too! Look at you now! Leaving me like everyone else."

"Thats not fair."

"You want to talk fair? You kept this secret from me for three months! How much time do w-you even have?"

"Just about two weeks."

"Gods dam it Percy!"

"I-I'm sorry. I wish it could be different. I wish I could fix this situation."

"I wish you hadn't lied to me."

"I didn't lie to you Annabeth! I-I love you too much to do that to you. You know this! And I swear to you, one day Annabeth Chase I will marry you." I pulled her so close and kissed her with such ferocity and passion I really never wanted to stop. She pulled away before I could melt into her touch. She shook her head and walked away. "Annabeth! Annabeth wait, come on, I-I can figure it out, I just need you to hold on!"

"Hold onto what Percy? Or do you really have the memory of seaweed? You just broke things off. Its over. You broke me!" She ran now. I don't know where she went exactly but she didn't come back to my room. In fact I rarely saw her the next two weeks. Movie nights, taco nights, family game nights, all put on hold till I left. It was like they wanted to add insult to injury.

Annabeth POV

All those promises, broken. All the things he said, gone. They mean nothing. Why couldn't he have just told me? I would have understood. Did he really mean the things he said? Did he tell me he was taking a gap year because he was going to do the stupid Olympic Games? Is that what he meant? Why couldn't he have warned me? Now I'm glad we never slept together. He was leaving me no matter what. There's a fine line between you're wonderful and goodbye, there's a fine line between love and a waste of your time. I don't have the time to waste on him anymore. For my own sanity I have to close the door and walk away. There's a fine fine line between what you wanted and what you got. You've got to go after the things you want while you're still in your prime I guess... No, nothing excuses him lying to me for three months. Three fucking months he looked me in the eyes and acted like everything was normal, like he wasn't about to leave and become this big Olympic swimmer guy. He told me all these things, he told me he was going to marry me, of course I didn't believe him at first but we lasted almost a whole year, the whole thing was like the honeymoon phase and now the world's crashing in on me. Not on him! His life's picking up as he leaves me in the dust. He dumped me before prom. Is he even going to his prom? I don't care. Not like he'll take me if he is. The mother fucker is just leaving.

Of course I'm happy his dreams are coming true, just why can't I be apart of that dream? He made it seem like I would be! He told me I would be. He just... lied. He's leaving. We're the past. The past is the past, I have to let him go. I'll always love him.

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